<p>I emailed him twice over the past 3 weeks, patiently waiting for his response. I asked him about what to bring to the room so there won't be any things that repeat like TV and stereo.
He replied after 2 weeks with only two sentences:</p>
<p>yea sure u can just bring whatever u think we need. hope to c u soon.</p>
<p>Emailed him 2 more times this week. No response.</p>
<p>Bottom line: My roommate sounds like an irresponsible pain in the anal cavity. Of course, I avoid making hasty judgments even before I see him, but judging by the way he writes and how nonchalant he is, I assume he is going to be a challenging roommate to stick with. How do you deal with these kinds of people?</p>
<p>Hah, I’m the exact same way. I’ll analyze and overinterpret every little detail a person gives off about themselves in order to try and discern what they’re like. If my roommate types like that, I’ll probably dismiss them as a hick and start freaking out immediately.</p>
<p>I think it’s not “overanalyzing” and normal to feel this way. People like my roommate is being extremely rude, so if he is a good student, then it’s his fault to act that way. And if he’s a bad student, oh well. I can totally believe that, and it’s still his fault for being born with a lazy ass to decently respond to a simple yet important email.</p>
<p>That sounds a little irresponsible, or maybe he’s just nervous and is putting it off.</p>
<p>But hopefully your impression will change in person If you still don’t like your living situation you can always swap roommates with someone else on your floor or building, or or even make a room swap request.</p>
<p>You need to relax, if you two happen to bring the same thing or leave something behind you can just pick it up on the weekend; it’s not like you’re stranded. Think about the impression you’re making sending five emails O.o You’ll have a much richer time at Rutgers if you go in friendly and unbiased, especially towards your roommate. You can learn a lot living with someone different than you.</p>
<p>I am a parent and my son had a similar roommate his freshman year. I think most guys are like this, actually. They don’t really plan ahead over who’s bringing what and are more relaxed about things in general. This year my son has an apartment and the 4 of them still don’t know who is bringing what. My son said ‘we’ll just figure it out after the first week’.</p>
<p>His freshman dorm mate never really replied to texts or emails right away either. (although one time my son thought he lost his key and roommate replied instantly, so I think he did have his own type of prioritization system). They ended up doing ok together, although they never became really good friends. My son brought most of the extra ‘stuff’ because his roommate really just didn’t care. </p>
<p>At least your roommate said ‘hope to c u soon’. I think that was rather nice of him.</p>
<p>I wanted to add: you are going to meet a lot of new people this year, many of whom will be very different than you in regards to finances, upbringing, experiences, etc. </p>
<p>Mabye this kid doesn’t have the things you mention bringing and he is embarrassed. Maybe he really just doesn’t care. Who knows, but he could be either of these things and still be a really nice person. You really have to wait and see; don’t jump to conclusions and try to relax more.</p>
<p>Yes, I agree with needsmorsleep and rualum. I’m not saying what your roommate is doing is right, but what you’re doing isn’t right either. I know it’s hard not to judge others by the way they write - because we all do in reality-, but you want to try to abandon that notion especially for a person whom you will spend the next two semesters with.</p>
<p>Personally, I’m quite similar to your roommate - except how he writes; sometimes I intentionally ignore someone’s email to test his ability to handle a frustrating situation…and if the person sends me a string of irate emails like you did, it may turn out to be a source of a great entertainment for me. So just be careful I wish you best luck.</p>
<p>I would be annoyed if I had a roomate trying to orchestrate things like that. You are roommates that never met, not spouses. Maybe he wants his own space and doesn’t want to pick out curtains together.</p>
<p>Some people aren’t good with writing emails either. Even when emailing professors, some want a clear thorough email, and then they only reply with a sentence or a couple words.</p>
<p>I have to agree with rualum, last year and even this year my roommates and I aren’t very coordinated yet even though we move in next week. From my friends, the girls seem to be more outgoing about these kinds of things. Also, you are already given a fridge and microwave, so there isn’t too much to coordinate. Just bring what you need, and let him bring what he needs. Enter the room with an open mind, and you should be all right :)</p>
<p>Aye, and be thankful you already have your room assignment. Mine apparently won’t be out until…whenever they choose to release another batch of them. Monday perhaps?</p>