Ron Brown High School 2016

Hey guys! I was wondering who is all doing the Ron Brown scholarship? I know it’s a little early before we find out about any results but this could serve as a discussion until results are in.

I submitted mine in October . Super anxious

I have yet to submit mine. I’m debating right now. Seeing the profiles of past winners has really freaked me out.

Submitted mine in November before I got into Duke, I wish I had waited so I could put that in there.

Can someone link me to the profile of past winners

I submitted my application in November to be considered for other scholarships as the application said.
Fingers crossed I will at least get something :slight_smile:

Congrats on your acceptance! I applied regular decision there.

@Fuzerabit Cool Fam!! Its a great place for African Americans so I encourage you to matriculate if you get accepted!

Thanks! It is one of my top choices eventhough it is the only school I didn’t have the opportunity to visit :frowning:

Lol I got my app in at the LAST POSSIBLE MINUTE.
Crossing my fingers, good luck to everyone!

I didn’t realize that apps can be postmarked on Monday since they have the rule if the deadline is on the weekend you have until the next Monday

I submitted on Saturday.

Basically just rushed through it. I honestly don’t think I even have a chance but the app was too easy to pass up.

We should hear if we moved on to the next around Valentine’s Day. :-S

Yeah they emailed me yesterday to let me know they are in the process of judging and I was missing a recommendation. I thanked them profusely for emailing me and not disqualifying me. I sent one from a community leader but my teacher recs were missing. They gave me until the 28th to fax or email them :-bd

Anyone got an idea of the exact date? Bc mid February is kinda vague

@LAforDuke I say with 1-2 days before/after Valentine’s Day so the 12th-16th.

yeah I think we should start hearing back around that time…prob even this friday the 12th because from the last two years’ threads they had started announcing around the second friday in february (aka feb 12+) Good Luck! :smiley: Because I could really use the money for Emory…because even though i am an emory scholar finalist i’m worried the scholarship money may still not be enough for me to go there :frowning:

I’m so nervous haha. I honestly can’t even remember what essays I submitted.

Do you guys know if the scholarship can be deferred to grad school?

@UnicornDuchess I have no idea. I wouldn’t think so since it’s an undergrad scholarship. Most scholarships can only be given/used within a specific time frame so I would assume that the same applies to Ron Brown.