<p>So, applications were due Postmarked yesterday, Jan. 9th 2009 and now comes the waiting process until they announce semifinalists in February (and finalist in March). What CC'ers applied?</p>
<p>I'm creating this thread so us applicants can talk about all things RBS related (questions, concerns, random bursts of anxiety, etc.)</p>
<p>I was so busy with local scholarship applications that I completely forgot about this scholarship. I was kinda upset when I found out yesterday that the application was due that day. Oh well. Good luck to everybody who did apply!</p>
<p>I applied. I totally forgot about it till the morning of the seventh though. Still was able to complete. Pretty short compared to gates millenium and questbridge.
Tried to get my friend to do it too, since he forgot but I guess he gave up. But I work well under pressure so maybe that why.</p>
<p>I applied, but I know it’s really competitive so I’m not getting my hopes up too high. It would be really nice to get it though, so I’m hoping for the best.</p>
<p>I applied too. Hoping for the money, but there are a ton of qualified applicants. Good luck to everyone and I hope it helps you pay for college.</p>
<p>I applied for the first deadline back in November (i think?)…</p>
<p>I’ve been applying for scholarships like an insane person these past couple months, nothing yet. Waiting to find out about a bunch in January-April/May(ish). Really sucks waiting lol…</p>
<p>D applied in November. Regarding how everyone will find out the results— the paperwork says only semi-finalists and finalists are notified. Applications are screened in February and finalists are invited to D.C. to participate in a weekend selection process.</p>
<p>I called the office and told them that I forgot to enclose a self addressed postcard and they said that if I called back at the end of January, they would be able to tell me about the status of my application (seems a bit late, but whatevz).</p>
<p>I just want to say this:</p>
<p>I’ve spent so many hours on the Ron Brown website looking at the kids who have been awarded the scholarship over these past years. These kids have literally inspired me, and in a way, shown me what I can accomplish. I would be incredibly honored to be a member of the Ron Brown community.</p>
<p>Now that I got that out:</p>
<p>I won’t be getting the scholarship. Which blows.</p>
<p>Additional Question!: </p>
<p>I know that almost everyone who gets the scholarship receives acceptance letters from HYPMSetc. Where did all of you guys end up applying?</p>
<p>For me, I chose to complete appz to: HYP, Columbia, USC, Berkeley, UCLA. Let us revel in the fact that even if we don’t get the scholarship, just by applying to Ron Brown means we are very competitive applicants at all of these colleges!!!</p>
<p>Yep, I applied too! I think I have a chance but I sent it right on the january deadline. I didn’t apply to any of those schools though. Anyway, I wish u guys luck! I hope we make it! Does anybody know when we find out about the interview if we make it that far?</p>
<p>Not really into HYPMSetc. lol… thought about Columbia but changed my mind last minute…didn’t seem too cost efficient :/.
Not that anything besides a state school does right now, though lol…</p>
<p>Er. I only really applied to Emory & my counselor made me fill out the EA application to UGA as a safety…</p>
<p>Im from BOSTON. Beantown stand up! (lol). i have to agree with u on that one. i was much too lazy to do the early deadline. lol I wanna find out now! im so anxious…grr!</p>