Room Selection and "Pulling" in Roommates

My daughter received her time to log on for room selection. She found 3 other girls on the UA housing application site she’d like to room with. How does the process of “pulling” in people into your dorm work online? What happens if she gets pulled in first or if her roommates have other accepted roommates that were not on her list?

This might help to answer your questions:

All four of the girls have to have each other on their respective Accepted Roommate list. So just make sure that everyone has accepted each other’s roommate request. And have the student who has the earliest room selection slot do all of the pulling in of everyone else. Make sure they all talk about their building, floor, and room preferences ahead of time, so whomever is doing the room selection can immediately hone in on the top choices. Everything goes very fast and finding a totally unoccupied 4-room suite may be the biggest challenge.

If any of the other girls have other accepted roommates, I don’t see how it would affect room selection. I am not sure why they would keep those other accepted roommates, unless it is in the event there is not a fully empty 4-room suite available, so if these four could not get into a 4-room suite together, at least they could try to get into another suite with one of those other accepted roommates.

Thank you for your helpful replies! I appreciate it :slight_smile: