Room Selection Website/Link?

<p>I apologize ahead of time if this was already asked previously but does a website exists for accepted students in the 2012 incoming class to talk to each other seeking potential roomates? Also, when is the room selection date (Approx Month)?</p>


<p>I think many kids use Facebook (Alabama Class of 2016…or something like that ) to find roomies.</p>

<p>I think room selection is around April???</p>

<p>This was from last year . My D was in the first selection time. So March 10, 2011 for honors.</p>

<p>Room Selection Login Times:
Phase I Room Selection Log-in Date/Time for Living-Learning Community Selection (including Honors): March 10, 6:00 -10:00 pm Please note, to take part in Phase I of room selection, you must be eligible for, and interested in participating in, a living-learning community (including Honors Housing)</p>

<pre><code>Phase II Room Selection Log-in Date/Time if not selecting Living-Learning Community: April 14, 6:00 -10:00 pm

<p>Thanks for th einfo. BTW, what is Living-Learning Community?</p>

<p>Try this: [University</a> of Alabama Learning Communities](<a href=“]University”>
and this one [Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>Join the facebook group! And I think UA’s roommate finder thing opened today… it’s under the “assignments” tab on</p>

<p>Here’s the fb group: [Log</a> In | Facebook](<a href=“]Log”>University of Alabama Class of 2016 | Facebook)</p>