Rooming at AU

<p>My daughter will be a freshman at UA Fall 2011. Her friend will be transferring from a 2 year college to UA at the same time and they plan to room together. Is it possible for a freshman to room with a transfer student/sophomore in the resident halls at Alabama?</p>

<p>My son is a freshman and rooms with 3 sophomores. And be careful about referring to UA as AU. One is our school and the other is . . . ahem, not. :)</p>

<p>It is certainly possible for a freshman to room with non-freshmen, provided that they are not in a freshman-only dorm (most of UA’s residence halls allow non-freshman students). </p>

<p>What I would be concerned about is if the transfer student is eligible for on-campus housing. I’m not sure of UA’s policies regarding transfer students getting on-campus housing, but I seem to recall the priority for on-campus housing as going incoming freshman students, returning students already living on campus, and then everybody else.</p>

<p>Wow, that was scary reading the title – actually my roommate for Jr/Sr year was my best friend from pre-college days who went to AU for 2 years and then transferred to UA. Turns out these days, I probably am in closer contact with substantially more Auburn grads than UA alumni. I’ve actually found that Alums take the whole rivalry a lot less seriously than people who don;t have any connection to either University.</p>

<p>Agree with malanai, the University is pretty good about allowing roommate pairings for friends if possible regardless of class rank.</p>

<p>Sorry you all about the AU thing!! I totally did not mean to do that…please don’t hate me for that! I can’t believe I did that. But anyways, thank you so much for the information. I was worried about the transfer student getting housing because I saw somewhere that last years transfers mostly had to live off campus. Even if my daughter applies and request her as a roommate…would that not help her get on campus housing even as a transfer?</p>

<p>P.S. Does anyone know how to change the thread title? Don’t want to start anything on here.</p>

<p>^^^Hey, no worries about your typo! Folks on this thread are the friendliest you’ll find. Welcome to the family and Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Thank you. I seriously didn’t catch that when I did it and I know better!! Thanks for the information, you have all been very helpful! I am sure I will be referring to this forum for information in the future.</p>

<p>OK: can’t help you with the transfer question, but I can tell you that my freshman D has 1 other freshman roommate & 2 sophomore roommates. They all get along fine & it’s a non-issue as far as I’m concerned.</p>

<p>Thank you!!</p>

<p>Yes, a Frosh can room with a student from another year.</p>

<p>However, the problem may be this… </p>

<p>transfer students are having a harder time getting housing now. Transfer students (I think) choose spaces AFTER freshmen choose. I don’t know if you can help a transfer student by “pulling them” into your room.</p>

<p>BTW…Both girls need to do housing deposits ASAP. Your D needs an early “room pick” time so she can choose a room or suite that will have an empty space for her friend. If your D deposits later, there may not be such choices.</p>