<p>Okay so I've heard all of the cautionary tales about people rooming at school with friends and subsequently fighting/becoming enemies/insert awful situation here. I'm considering rooming with a friend who I met in a summer program whom I love dearly and feel very comfortable with. She, however, lives clear across the country and is not one of my "home" friends. I already know I can live with her, as I did on our summer program (I know having home friends and not realizing that living together is different is often an issue in these sorts of circumstances). Anyways, does anyone have any stories/examples of when rooming with a friend or someone you already know has worked out reasonably well? Additionally, any advice on my predicament?
<p>You’ve already got over the usual hurdle, which is finding out that the person you know from home is not what you expect when you actually live with them. It’s not unusual for people randomly assigned as roommates frosh year to become friends and choose to room together in subsequent years. While a summer program isn’t the same as the entire frosh year, if it was more than 3 or 4 weeks you know each other well enough and things should be fine. It’s no predicament!</p>
<p>my sister and her roomie of 4 years are a success story! they were best friends for all 4 years of high school, happened to go to the same college and opted to room together, and they have for the past four years! it’s great for transport to and from college and if one forgets something from home because we also live near them. idk it worked out for them! however, i also go to school with two of my best friends but did not want to room with either of them because i wanted to meet new friends. it all depends!</p>
<p>I say if you’ve already roomed with this friend, go for it. I personally opted against rooming with my friend from high school because I wanted to be able to meet more people (having a friend from hs might have caused me to become a hermit, unintentionally).</p>
<p>Some colleges don’t allow incoming freshmen to request a roommate. Check the housing policy of your future school.</p>
<p>I went to middle school with a friend until we went to different high schools. We were good friends, talked every once and a while, and hung out once every month. During high school, we never saw each other or talked. Now were going to the same college and have decided to room with each other. Do you think this is a good idea? I figured since we both have changed a lot, this might be a good experience. Plus, were not best friends, so the best friend problems wont happen.</p>
<p>I know this is a bit anecdotal but at my school, just about everyone lives with their friends after freshman year and I rarely hear of any issues (and usually when their are issues its because one or more of the roommates were just friend-of-a-friend types). I feel like the majority of those friend-turned-roommate-from-hell horror stories usually deal with people not used to living around each other but you two have already lived together so I doubt you’ll have many issues. </p>
<p>As for the old friend turned roommate, I do think thats a really interesting and good idea if for nothing else because its great to reconnect with someone (but the opportunity to do so rarely presents itself). I figure since you guys haven’t kept in touch throughout high school its probably just going to be like rooming with a random person and your less likely to take some of the friend’s quirks personally (which is why friend-as-roommate relationships can fail). Good luck!</p>