rooming with friend

<p>do you guys recommend rooming with a friend from high school? i want to, but i've heard its a bad idea.</p>

<p>Whatever you’ve heard is what we’ve heard, and it’s probably true. Rooming with a friend will just allow you to experience first hand their bad habits and such, which could potentially sour any friendship. I would say just room with someone the college assigns; it’s part of the college experience, isn’t it?</p>

<p>Don’t do it. You don’t know someone until you live with them, and most likely you don’t want to really know them.</p>

<p>see about getting the same building as them but not the same room</p>

<p>Only if you’re lived with them before. Something like a 3-day hotel room sharing experience from a high school trip would be the minimum that I would say could give you a decent idea of how it is to live with them. It can often be very different from just spending time with them. Also be aware that things happen, and it could cause the friendship to end. Oh, and I agree with pyles.</p>

<p>For God’s sake… don’t! I roomed with my (ex-)best friend, and it is only now working out a little better. It was hell the first few months. Be open to new relationships in college. Don;t room with a friends.</p>

<p>In addition to just potentially ruining your friendship, it’s a great idea, especially if you’re a freshman, to just room with someone you don’t know. Branch out and meet new people. Don’t limit yourself, or start off limiting yourself to just the people you know from high school.</p>

<p>I am rooming with one of my really good friends from high school and it has worked out perfectly. Couldn’t ask for a better situation. It’s all about the people. I think the fact that we are both guys really helps and that we are really social people so we never hang out in the room unless we are having people over. Also, we don’t hang out together all the time but we go to parties and stuff together a lot. I know two or three other rooms on my floor that decided to room together and they all seem to be working out just fine.</p>

<p>If you and your friend can live in the same building, but in different rooms, you will double the amount of friends you meet and you can still hang out whenever you want. If two of you are meeting new people and then introducing them to each other, you are bound to have more friend opportunities. I would not suggest rooming with your HS friend. College is a great time to met new people and try new things. You can always move in together sophomore year if you still want to room together,</p>

<p>It honestly depends on the people. Right now I’m rooming with my best friend from high school and we’re getting along fine. Sure, we have the same friends but since we have different majors, we make other friends too. Obviously there are going to be some times where you just don’t wanna be aruond your friend. You have to make that choice and make sure that when you don’t wanna be at the same place as your friend, you have some time away from him for a while. And of course, I’ve noticed flaws and other things that have irritated me a little about him but you just kinda manage. The thing about rooming with your friend is to not be clingy and be open and meet other people too instead of always sticking to your friend. It’s really not that bad. We’re still really close friends.</p>