Roommate brought 22 pillows, 4 lamps, 7 towels, and a large ceramic pineapple

The roommate is lucky she didn’t end up in my D’s room last year. Forced triple with 3 beds, each in the middle of a different wall so no one’s head was against a wall, dressers and bookshelf under lofted beds, 2 desks facing each other in middle of the room, 2 small closets, but they made it work. The parents all bought whatever plastic bins that would fit and they had to share. One bin was for snacks, one was for tampons/pads and they each had one personal. Luckily, they had no issues all year and were very respectful of the extremely limited space. They were in the smallest room in their hall and were the only triple not to de-triple as the year went on.

Good luck to OP’s daughter. Please keep us updated as to how things turn out.

Wow. The avatar is nicer than anything I have in my house!

I will say that when I went to college, I took everything I owned (because I knew anything I left would be gone), but I kept it all on my side of the room. This was in the days of the dinosaurs, so there were no microwaves, TVs, computer equipment, etc. The dorm was liberal about letting folks store items which was helpful.

OP, it sounds like your D is at a SEC school. Dorm decorating is a pretty serious business there. I’ve seen pics of the dorm decorating contests at my former (SEC) school and I’m amazed at how much stuff they crammed into the same 10x12 room I had to share 35 years ago.

That looks much more like a messy vanity than a desk! And now it has a hutch? Why anyone would need 2 lamps on a desk is beyond me. I hope your D takes a picture of what it looks like after momma has dissapeared. I will say just looking at the space around the desk the room appears huge.

You are amazingly gracious and good natured about the whole thing, a lesson for us all as we head out to move our kids in this year. My son, for a boy, is actually taking a decent amount and is definitely decorating. But it will all fit on his side of the room (or more accurately mostly on the wall!). I was worried the rug is too small (jointly agreed upon so you have me scared) but if it is, and the other mom brings a second…maybe that will be ok. LOL!

At Tufts most upholstered furniture that doesn’t come from the university is considered a fire violation. The stuff they sell for institutions has better fire retardants.

Your post title wins the internet today!

I am laughing, but also outraged that parents think it’s okay for their child to appropriate someone else’s space. A tiny, but completely evil, part of me hopes your daughter is just a wee bit passive aggressive. “Oh my gosh, I am SO sorry I knocked over your coffee mug that was on my side of the room and spilled it all over your exquisite little designer throw pillows that were on my side of the room!”

Wow. Just wow.

I agree with @oldfort – this is so unbelievable it’s funny.

It’s NOT YOU! It’s THEM!

(PS “The stuff on the desk is Pinterest vomit.” LOL)

@CountingDown when you asked if the OP’s D is going to an SEC school, it reminded me of this video a friend of mine posted the other day. The daughter of a mutual friend of ours is headed to Ole Miss and our friend posted on FB looking for a car top carrier for the trip down there. My other friend then posted this video of “fanciest dorm room” according to Southern Living magazine. Check out this video of the girls’ dorm room.

Every RA should have a roll of duct tape in his/her toolkit.

^^^^^^ @4kids4us – the irony of this girl wearing a Rebel t-shirt. I know it’s a school mascot, but that’s just too funny. Rebelling from what? Did these girls grow up with hippie parents in a tee-pee and are now reclaiming their Southern Living identity?

@Massmomm your post #84 made me laugh!
My D and her roommate managed to fit a futon into their sophomore double room but they had a unique way of arranging the beds to save space because they both really wanted a comfortable place to sit and for visitors to their room to have a place to sit that wasn’t on one of their beds.
I just can’t imagine people being that entitled that they think that’s ok, good grief!

Send me that ceramic pineapple and half the pillows. I want to claim DS’s room at home as a guest room. Too funny! I get the over the top décor but to take your D’s space is ridiculous.

But I really should be quiet. I’ll see if the few matchy match items I got for DS end up as an avatar next week when he moves in. :wink:

Waiting for that @TQfromtheU !

I guess the Mom felt it was easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission. She probably thought there was a chance the new roommate and her parents would be to timid to say anything or would be so awestruck at the decorating you would approve. If so, that failed. :slight_smile:

I would have moved it all into the hallway or tossed it out the window. :))

Man, I wish my dorm room looked like that! Difference is they are both smiling and happy! Big difference when only one side is happy.
Love to know how the roommate really is without mom pushiing everything. My friend could be a freight train sometimes. Her D’s just get out of her way and rearrange later.

I cannot get over they thought it was OKAY to use your d’s DESK for the TV – really??? This is you know… school

@twoinanddone My daughter is rooming with another freshman lax recruit - she is from San Diego so each from a different coast… I hope it works out, it is what they wanted.

Several colleges I know of also prohibit selling stuff out of one’s dorm room or having “employees” or customers coming in and out of the room on a regular basis.

While most colleges with such rules IME aren’t strict about it, if it gets to the point one student is having employees come in/out of the dorm room and merchandise is encroaching on shared space, the college will invariably cite the student for violating that regulation AND force him to cease business operations…including removing all merchandise from the dormroom.

I think having just one roommate on the same team would have been okay. D was with 4, another 4 were in a different suite. The second suite blew up in Jan or Feb and one was forced to move out. Drama.

My daughter did fine the second year when she lived with softball players. They were gone most weekends.

@twoinanddone – funny you should say that – originally they wanted to room in a suite with two other players. In my mind when she told me there are not a lot of suites to be had and she was just a roomie with the one girl I though it better myself.