Roommate Finder Info Sent out!

<p>Just got information for creating roommate finder account e-mailed to my Crimson account, I guess the system is now open…now I just have to find people :D</p>

<p>My D found her roommate on Roommate finder they had a 98% match and they do get along great! However, I cannot stress that you have to be brutally honest…don’t say that you are neat if you are a full out slob. Don’t say that you don’t party if you do. The system only works if both parties are honest.</p>

<p>^ yes, and “likes things picked up” does NOT mean you’d like your roommate to pick your things up :-)</p>

<p>I agree with the honesty part. My son used roommate finder. The one thing they all had in common was “comfortable with clutter” which I took as none of them liked to clean up. I was a little worried what their apartment would look like. My son has surprised me with pictures of clean rooms!</p>