<p>Hey I'm currently a freshman and this is my first time posting. I've been in school for over three months, and I'm having roommate problems.
I'm very neat, and she's really messy, and her stuff tends to overflow into my space. Weekdays, I usually go to bed by 11:30 pm (I KNOW that's early), but she stays up and leaves our door open (by leaving it propped open by the deadbolt) until way later, and usually wakes me up when she comes in. Her friends come in without her(because she always leaves the door opened!) and feel comfortable messing with stuff/changing our room layout as a "prank" on her. If I'm in the room when they do this, they completely ignore me until I say "oh hey, what are you guys up to?" Personality wise, we're not alike, and I can't respect her. She and her friends make fun of the autistic girl who lives down the hall, and are so caught up in themselves that they don't take the geekier people like me seriously. I try to make conversation, and she gives one-word answers and doesnt make eye contact. Tonight she came in completely trashed at 4 am, and at 4:30 started throwing up, and our room reeks to the point where I had to leave to hide out in the lounge down the hall. I understand, it happens to everyone and is a part of college, but I'm having a hard time living with this girl, and I think I tend to be a pretty tolerant person. I don't want to rat her out to an RA, because then I'd isolate myself even more, but I can't talk to her either. What should I do?!</p>
<p>Wow, what a *****. I’d talk to the RA and insist on changing rooms. Don’t be a rat, but tell them your personalities are totally different and you can’t get along. If they don’t take you seriously, put how much money you’re spending in their face and demand it. Let them know that it’s affecting your health and academics. You’re paying them a huge amount of money and it’s their duty to make you comfortable; They failed in pairing you properly.</p>
<p>I ended up boarding with a ■■■■■■ and it’s hell. Even when they seem intimidated by you, an inconsiderate dip is still a dip. Theses type of people aren’t capable of thinking about the other people who live with them even if they want to. It’s so damn easy to take for granted the small things that normal people consider, then when these tarts just live and breathe it starts devouring your entire universe because the small things they do build up every freaking day.</p>