<p>I'm trying to find a compatible roommate before the 6/8 deadline for the housing application. I'm using UVA facebook but can't figure out which group to join or how to post this request. Any advice? I'm gonna go with the two generic dorms for First Year students as my first choices, but I'd like to have a little input, not just random assignment.</p>
<p>Check the Class of 2011 group and check to see if you can find someone to be your roommate. If that's does not work, then look for groups that interest you. I'm groups for anything from my hometown to being an avid orange juice drinker. If you find no one, then there isn't anything wrong using the random selection.</p>
<p>why are you so opposed to "random"? it's not like its truly random - they try and match you up according to your survey, assuming you were honest and don't change all your habits that is. i'm not claiming it's perfect, but if you dont have someone in mind i dont think its so bad going that route - most people do!</p>
<p>I'm not against the random assignment, and will probably wind up doing just that. I don't know. It just seemed like there was a little more control in the situation if I could exchange a little bit of conversation in advance. I have my quirks, maybe they have theirs too.
Thanks to Malex, I was able to make some head-way on the face book site. School is over already for me, so what else am I to do before then??
I'm glad to hear that you all are positive with your comments about the random assignment. Thanks</p>
<p>You'll be fine with random. Dont do the facebook thing, people have different personalities online...no one is gonna intentionally **** you off online, especially if they have never met you. Everyone is on their best behavior in those situations so you really arent improving your chances of getting a "good roomate". The only way to make sure you have a good year no matter who your roomate may be is to lay down the law if your agreement is broken. Most people are timid when things happen that you dont approve of. This leads to deeply embedded habits. </p>
<p>Dont be timid, if something upsets you, speak up. Dont let your roomie walk all over you. Follow that advice and you will be fine with random-i was</p>
<p>And besides, it really is a learning experience that prepares you for the sort of people you will meet in the workplace. It's rarely so bad that you two can't coexist peacefully, and if it is there's always the option of moving out.</p>
<p>what year are you?
get back to me at ksd3n</p>
<p>ksd3n…look at the dates of all the posts above yours…2007!</p>