Roommate selection/assignment

Once you have entered your housing preferences, does UF do any type of roommate matching like with questionnaires to help put similar individuals together as roommates (if you don’t already know who you want to room with) or is it just a shot in the dark who is put with whom (according to dorm preferences)?

I think what is common is that the admitted students join a Facebook group or something to try to connect with a potential roommate. That is what my daughter and her friends did, anyway.

@FLMomof3 did your daughter do this for UF? And is the FB group information given to the students by UF? Or should my D search for this FB group on her own?

You can easily just find the facebook group on your own. They wont do a questionnaire type thing and i recommend not going random.

@Mom2NND - she did do this for UF - she doesn’t remember how she heard of it, but said to just search UF
class of 22. She said that there was another website, but she can’t recall what it was called. A Google search may show it.

Google UF roomsync. It is a Facebook app.