Roommate Situation

Good for you for advocating for yourself! You’ve handled your first college issue with aplomb. If the roommate situation doesn’t work out, at least you now have it officially on the record how you were treated from day 1 which should help grease the skids should a switch be needed.

I’m glad the head of res life responded appropriately. I was floored by the response from the RA and HD. So off base.

As pissed as you rightly are, take the high road and skip the tape line. Remember what Michell Obama said: “When they go low, we go high.” Smart words.

Good for you! Standing up for yourself is such a great learning experience for you. With this girl, I would keep the tape idea. She seems impossible and the tape would be a visual reminder that you’ve set a line down and will stand up for yourself.

I’ve heard some bad dorm stories in my time but this one takes the cake! Wow I mean LOL…i know its not funny for the person having to live through it…but “the early bird gets the worm” is a valid excuse for taking both closets & desks?!!

Good luck to you! Don’t let this get you down.

I’d insist not only on switching rooms, but switching dorms as well. That RA and HD won’t be any help to you when you need help with this girl. And if you’re starting your second day having to get witnesses to protect you against theft charges in your own room, it’s only going to go downhill from there. If you were my child, I’d be on the phone with the head of residential life myself insisting on the change. Get your parents involved. You deserve better.

I agree with @austinmshauri, though it is a relief that someone higher up got involved and took what was literally your side.

I hope everything goes okay when your roommate comes back and sees you have finally been able to move in properly. It never should have been an issue in the first place!

Things didn’t go well when the roommate came back. Apparently she thought that daddy bought her out a room and that me being in there was a mistake. She went off the deep end and trashed her side of the room. I recorded it and I’m going back to res life and DEMANDING a change. This chick is psychotic and has problems. I kind of feel bad for her.

^^wow. :confused:

Yup, I would get a room change. She sounds psychotic. What’s going happen when she doesn’t get into the sorority of her choice?! She also doesn’t sound that bright, why would there be 2 beds if it’s supposed to be a single.

Wow! This is the most interesting thread I have read on CC. I would love to see that video. Can’t wait for your next update.

The school needs to do something. What about the next person who gets stuck with her?

My kids both had not great roommates freshman year. One of my kids switched rooms at winter break. Res life usually wants students to stick it out for a while. My guess is that they won’t want to give you a change yet. And what message does it give this bratty little snowflake if she gets a single out of her bad behavior?

I’m glad you find this interesting. It started as needing advice and I got way more help than I expected!

Clearly, even if they put her in a single it’s not going to change her attitude, because she’s not paying for it.
On the flip side, though, no freshman should have to deal with a roommate like that.

Yeah, I think my parents would be having a bigger fit over this than me. Currently kind of glad they’re out of country. I’m just trying to play it chill and be mature.

The girl has problems, but the behavior she is exhibiting is not psychotic. Psychotic is when someone doesn’t know what’s real. Like if the ground will hold you up or not. With a severely mentally ill son, the misuse of terms like this is a pet peeve of mine.

I am sorry that my words offended you. I used it as a figure of speech and I should’ve phrased my words better.

You’re on the right track here. Keep a cool head and document everything that occurs. The response you got from the RA and HD is sadly pretty typical for some (but not all) schools, which seem to treat these requests like insurance claims: “Always deny the first request, no matter how serious”.

It seems like her behavior is turning into a pattern, though, and if you have careful documentation of that pattern I think they will have a tough time saying “No” to you when you later press for a change of room/dorm.

You do seem very chill and mature, and that’s going to serve you well in college in a lot of other ways as well.
Hang in there!

There’s nothing wrong with your terminology jackieb45 - Maine needs to chill out. My son has OCD and a lot of people misuse that term but I understand they are just using it to help explain.