<p>For the first few weeks of school, my roomate stayed out of the room until late and by the time he would return, I would be asleep and this worked out well. However, over the last few weeks, my roomate has stayed up in our room until about 2:30am playing video games on his laptop. I try to go to bed arround 12:30 and the light and noise from the laptop often keep me awake until he finally falls asleep. I am not getting enough sleep and am doing poorly in my early morning class as a result. I have tried ear plugs and a blind fold, but I find these rather uncomfortable. Is it unreasonable to ask my roomate to use his laptop in the lounge after midnight?</p>
<p>Is he typing too loud or is actual sound like music and such coming from the laptop? You could ask him to put on headphones and turn down the light on his laptop.</p>
<p>Loud typing, he is considerate enough to use headphones.</p>
<p>I should clarify, I wouldn’t mind the ear plugs and such once in a while, but it really sucks to wear them every night</p>
<p>i have the same problems and have done nothing about it lol</p>
<p>Just tell him it’s making it hard for you to go to sleep. If he doesn’t stop or make a compromise get your roommate changed?</p>
<p>Then my only suggestion is for you to tell him. Lucky for me that one of my roomates sleeps like a log. There were drunken people screaming in the hall and she didn’t even notice. My other roomate stays up as late as me. But you two are going to half to come to some kind of comrpromise if it’s bothering you this much otherwise you’re not going to be getting any sleep.</p>
<p>The best solution would be to just get used to it. However, if you really can’t take it, just talk your roomie. Maybe he’ll be nice about it and just go to the lounge at night. If he says no to that, I wouldn’t push any further. I think different sleep schedules is just something you have to get used to in a dorm.</p>
Also, are you sure this is the reason or are you just subconsciously using your roommate as a scapegoat?</p>
<p>Even if he doesn’t want to go to the lounge, you can ask him if he can sit somewhere where the light from the screen won’t be in your face.</p>
<p>Also you’ll get used to it eventually. I started the year waking up when my roommate’s alarm would go off and when she’d leave in the morning but now I think it would take a bomb for me to wake up before my own alarm. Same thing with her, the first week or so she’d wake up when I came in at night, but now she sleeps through everything, even when I have the lights on (but I put my desk lamp on, not the overhead lights, I’m not mean).</p>
<p>typing can be annoying, but it’s just something you have to learn to deal with. If your roommate was talking on the phone, watching tv, listening to music without headphones, having people in the room until late, or other such things you’d definitely have a valid complaint. Typing and a computer light is something you should be able to learn to sleep with.
I know it can be difficult, but it’s just one of those things you have to compromise on.</p>
<p>Maybe I’ve just been watching too much “House,” but are you pregnant by any chance?</p>
I agree with this.</p>
<p>I stay up late but never in the room. If I’m on the computer at my desk and my roommate goes to bed I’ll leave and come back later. If I stayed in there I know I’d deserve to be complained about.</p>
<p>That’s how I feel. If I wake up before my roommate, I stay out if the room.</p>
<p>lol… 2:30 is nothing. I go to sleep around 4:30 and my roommate usually gets back between 5-6am. you’re lucky that he uses headphones instead of blasting the volume.</p>
<p>Get earplugs if you feel like settling (any grocery store). If not, be verbal about it.</p>
<p>i think its just something ur gonna heve to get used to. u could always tell him to move the computer away from u or something so that the light doesnt face u, but if its a little thing like hearing the keyboard, then its a little too much. try to adapt to it and if ur really suffering from it, then u should let him know.</p>
<p>What is the problem with wearing ear plugs to sleep at night? Just make sure you wear the foam kind. I really recommend Hearos Ultimate Softness. I have been using them for years and have been able to sleep through really noisy roommates. I could understand the light being annoying and I wouldn’t be comfortable having both my eyes covered and my ears plugged. But how bright could his laptop possibly be that it prevents you from sleeping?</p>
<p>I don’t cover my eyes with anything put my pillow, but I’m used to it. I used to have a bright light come in through my window, which was above my bed, back at home. So I just learned to sleep with a pillow on my face.</p>
<p>Im sure that your roommate doesnt even care if you leave the room or not if they are sleeping. I know I don’t expect my roommate to vacate the room when I lay down. They’re paying for the space too and as long as they’re not making a racket, I don’t mind if they’re typing or making some noise. </p>
<p>You have to get used to it. Turn so that you are not facing the light. You only have to deal with it for a little while until you fall asleep anyway. And ignore the noise. I really don’t even think earpugs are needed and since you won’t use them, I guess you have no choice but to ignore the noise. Im typing pretty loud right now and I seriously think that the noise I am making is not loud enough to keep someone from sleeping for long periods of time. If you can sleep through rain and thunderstorms then a keyboard is nothing…</p>