Roommates wanted - shameless plug for my son


<p>Hoping my liberal-arts son can get into a suite with some engineering guys. It sounds as if the engineers have all the fun!</p>

<p>^^^Oh, I wish! Our poor engineering boys have to study physics/calculus/engineering all the time. It’s just that once in a while, maybe once a week, they blow off steam with either their Nerf guns or video game controllers! I wish my son did get to have more fun!</p>

<p>my older son did “potluck” his first year and had mostly engineers in his suite. They were a nice group of kids. My son got introduced to Guitar Hero that year… :)</p>

<p>I confess I do worry about the roommate thing. When DH went off to college, he didn’t know anyone there but, by the Grace of God, he just happened to get a great roommate. I had just the opposite experience at my college: My roommate turned out to be horrrrrible. Within a few weeks, by mutual consent (we couldn’t stand each other, LOL), we switched out, and I got a great roommate. But of course I was the one who had to move. :o</p>

<p>^ much as I know you’re concerned, you can’t really tell much about a propspective roommate by a FB page, roomsearch site or major. Take the comment about engineers for example, realistically they have to be among the hardest working, least time for socializing group there is. (I said among - let’s not start a debate here!)
Honors students run the gamut from party hard and leave by 2nd semester, to I am totally useless without my parents pushing me, to I am just about my girlfriend/boyfriend, to future student body president. You don’t really know until you get there for a bit.
I’m sure your son will do well wherever he is - and if not then there’s always room contracts etc. to keep things in line. As my grandma used to say, “Don’t borrow trouble!”</p>

<p>My son did the random roommate his first year. Got along all right with the three young men, but he rarely sees them anymore because they live off campus and have very different majors than he does. This year, he lives with two engineering majors. One is very quiet. The other, well, he’s a lot like my son. Always doing something or going somewhere.</p>