Rose Hulman CS

How well known is this program and degree among employers. I am looking at an undergrad BS in Computer Science. I also plan on going to grad school. Will I be able to go to top schools like Stanford, Cal, and MIT from Rose?

I looked at the starting salary for Rose Hulman CS grads and it was quite high, 85k in fact, starting salary.

I am just a little worried about going to a school that was not as well known. I would feel more secure going to a big name school, Gatech or UMich etc.


@thShadow Has a D that strongly considered Comp Sci at Rose Hulman I believe. He might be able to give you more insight.

While RHIT may not have a “name” with the general population, it is very well-known within the engineering community. Their fall career fair had over 240 reps for recruiting (graduating class of around 500). We have a freshman son there in computer engineering. Very supportive atmosphere. Good luck!

It should be noted that CS reputation != engineering reputation. RHIT’s reputation also goes a lot further in the Midwest than on the coasts.

For CS specifically, I would take the usual suspects that are known for CS over it, but it’s certainly better than “random state school not known for CS”.

thanks for the insight @StemmyMom @PengsPhils

RHIT is one of the [Association of Independent Technical Universities]( Take a look at the company it keeps. It is very well regarded in engineering circles and you should have no problem getting into a selective graduate program if you have a strong academic record and good research experience and GRE scores.