Rose-Hulman EA Class of 2026 Decisions

Same @Unicyclemom, S22 has been accepted! Where’s the confetti around here?

For future years’ applicants checking out this thread, his stats:
GPA: 3.85 uw, 4.15 w
SAT: 800 M / 690 V
APs: 7 AP courses by end of senior year
Attended Operation Catapult
EC’s: STEM teaching for elementary/middle school students (both volunteer, and summer job), robotics
From California
Intended major: CS


I was admitted! Click on “Admit” and then towards the bottom there is a sentence that reads “Download the ZeeMee app to get started!” The word “app” is in orange. Clicking on that shows the acceptance letter (with confetti).


I didnot see the major? Where can we find out which major is in?

Should still say “Intended Major” at the top of the portal, which shows what you applied for.

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Got it. Thanks.

Thanks! Same here, glad you guys gave us a heads up on clicking the zeemee link. Great day :blush:


S22 accepted! We live 4 hours away, but haven’t yet visited the campus. The winter break is probably not the best time - when do you plan to visit? Perhaps there will be a accepted students event soon.


Is RHIT sending out email notifications, or does the student need to go onto their portal?

SajA, Congratulations to your son!

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Congratulations to all the students who where accepted! We have to wait until my son returns home from school to check.


Nothing in the emails yet.

S22 accepted! Did not receive an email, just saw the link in his portal.

Stats: 1530 SAT, 3.98 unweighted GPA, 5.82 weighted GPA, extracurriculars mostly in music though some STEM. Took AP Physics, Calc, CS, etc. Majoring in CS. Out of state, has not yet attended any events at RH.

Wishing for good news for all of you!


Just signed up for a campus visit on 1/17. If you have visited before, any recommendations on hotel?

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D accepted! So happy. Now we wait for scholarships……


Stats here, for reference:
GPA: 3.7x UW but As in every STEM class including 7 Science/Math APs
SAT: 1530 (800M, 730 EBRW)
OOS CS Major
Lots of major related internships and awards


S22 accepted!!! A very special FIRST acceptance for our first born kiddo!

Congratulations to all the hard working applicants and supportive parents! Maybe we’ll cross paths in Indiana!

Stats: 36 ACT, 1570 SAT, 3.87 UW/4.67 GPA, heavy ECs


Same. I texted my son when I saw these messages but since he’s at school and has his phone away, probably hasn’t seem them yet. Congrats to everyone who got an acceptance. Maybe he will check messages at lunch and access the portal via his phone.

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RH was my D’s one of RD choices.

Hi all,

For those that have been admitted, did you just get the “Congrats” screen inviting you to join the chat room, take the Roommate Match Quiz, etc., or did you also get a decision letter?

So far, just the page you view when clicking the ‘Admit’ button sitting next to the ‘Applicant’ button. Along with the link to ZeeMee which has those things as well. I assume formal emails will be sent. Maybe something in the mail too? We’ll see.