Rose-Hulman EA Class of 2026 Decisions

Noblitt is out!

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Anyone know how selective it is to get Noblitt offer to initially apply? I know 55 will get in the end but is it selective even to get chosen to apply?

Noblitt invitees: Please share stats. S22 is not able to check his email for the next couple of hours. Did the invites come via email or portal?

Got mine via both, 36/4.0 UW, some STEM ECs.


We got an email invitation this morning. Have not checked portal yet. 35/1570/4.0


S22 just checked. No invite. Not surprising considering the stats you’ve posted. His 9th grade GPA is terrible so not entirely unexpected. Good luck on Noblitt!

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No invite. 4.4 weighted GPA, great recs, varsity athlete, 9 APs , but didn’t send test score


S22 got an invite. He has a 4.0 UW and is a full IB diploma candidate with an additional 4 or 5 AP classes. He submitted a 1530 SAT.


My daughter got an invite. She has a 1560/4.0 unweighted, 4.84 weighted/NMSF


No Noblitt invite for S22, but he’s still thrilled he was accepted EA to Rose.
Stats: 3.85/4.15, 1490 (800 M/690 V)

This is great, because we can see that 4.0 uw, 1500+ is a common attribute thus far (subject to others updating here). Also for future years’ applicants: Noblitt invites (email + portal) went out 6 days after EA decisions this year, same as they did in 2020.


No Nobitt invite for accepted son. 3.95 GPA, 1560 SAT.


Same for my son. Glad to get in, hoping for some $$ next month, but didn’t expect a Noblitt invitation.

1450 SAT (780 M / 670 V)
3.9 / 4.5 GPA
8 AP
Music ECs & PT Job

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Daughter received Noblitt invite. 4.0 UW GPA, ACT 33, Multi year Varsity letterman in Volleyball, Lacrosse and Tennis. President of Math Honors Society.

She was flattered to be invited.

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Son has not received an invite - he is 3.98 UW, ACT 34, Multiple AP classes, Several Leadership positions, strong EC, etc. Based on the trend here it seems a 4.0 UW is the key.
Any idea when to expect general Merit?

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“Mid-January”, per the Financial Aid email sent out today.

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Agree 4.0 is the benchmark :wink:

Totally fine, but leadership and community engagement can be discerned through other factors.

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Just a random observation. I recalled that Rose-Hulman’s high school math expectations were 4 required and 5 recommended. Five? Wow, big emphasis on math. S22 does indeed have 5 math courses, as it turns out (courtesy of a summer geometry course).

I wondered if other STEM schools set a similar math expectation as well. I looked at their common data sets (or admissions web page) to see what they put forth for required / recommended math. What was the max number they set? Four courses is typical.

Go ahead Rose, set yourself apart.


sfSTEM, That is interesting that RHIT recommends five, while everyone else settles for four. Our son was maxxing out his high school’s math offerings junior year, when he took AP BC Calc (he tested out of geometry and algebra I coming in as a freshman). We started researching engineering programs and noticed that UofM (we are in MI, and UofM is the holy grail here) requires four years of math according to their website. I contacted UofM admissions to see if they really needed four years, and yes they did. The AO said that my son needed four years of math, no matter what. We did not want to deal with the logistical nightmare of getting him to the local college to take Calc II, so we had him take AP Stats at his high school. His high school considered AP Physics a math class, so that would have fulfilled the four years of math requirement for the district.

Thank God we checked with UofM about the math requirement, or he might have not taken a math class his senior year and been out of the running for most engineering programs. My guess is RIT only requires three years because of students who max out their high schools math curriculum junior year.

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We are late to the party regarding merit money or scholarships at Rose. Do students apply for Noblitt with their application, or does the school invite high-value students? Does Rose give merit money to attract students, or do students need to apply to for specific scholarships? Based on the posts, it appears that we will hear about financial aid in mid January; should we have applied or filled-out additional paperwork, submitted essays, etc. for merit money?

Again, we are behind the curve and likely missed deadlines, so bear with me. My feelings won’t be hurt if you say, “Hey, knucklehead, you should have been thinking about this last October!”.

The school invited people. Seems like it was applicants with 4.0 GPA and strongish ECs.

Yes, and I believe everyone is automatically considered.

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