Ross #1 again according to latest WSJ MBA ranking

<p>Yes, Ross is back in a familiar spot...atop the WSJ's MBA rankings for the second time in 3 years. I personally do not agree with the WSJ, chosing rather to follow the rankings of BW and the USNWR, but the WSJ is still a well respected ranking, so being ranked #1 according to their formula is still pretty special.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Hail to the Victors baby!</p>

<p>awesome!!! thanks for the link!</p>

<p>So, what's so different about this ranking that it would put Mich at the top whereas USNews would rank Michigan 3rd?</p>

<p>Actually, the USNWR ranks Michigan #11...remember, we are talking MBA programs, not BBA programs. The USNWR does not look favorably on Ross these days, but I suspect that will change in the coming years. One must also remember that there is practically no difference between #1 and #10 where MBA programs are concerned. However, the USNWR generally ranks Ross MBA lower than Businessweek (which has always ranked Ross MBA between #2 and #7 with an historic average of #5) and the WSJ, which has always ranked Ross MBA between #1 and #6. I personally do not agree with the WSJ, but I do think that the BW ranking is very accurate.</p>

<p>oh...right, my bad.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>