Ross Class of 2024 Decisions

@hello121456 I was notified around 5 PM.

Congratulations to all acceptances. Iā€™m surprised at the few rejections.

Do not get disheartened. There are many paths to get to your end goal.

Good luck to all.

accepted to ross!

DIdnā€™t hear back anything yet. I was deferred EA as OOS, but submitted my continued interest just before the Feb 1 deadline, so I havenā€™t heard if I got into LSA either. Iā€™m not losing hope yet though! Kinda bummed because I think I couldā€™ve put my app together a bit better. I fixed it up in time to regular decisions, but I think it couldā€™ve hindered my chances at Ross.

A bit baffling. Rejected from Ross (accepted LSA) - 1580 SAT, 4.0 UW, lots of APs, National Merit Finalist, DECA Nationals, UM legacy (father) and bro currently attending. Did not devise new cryptocurrency and not founder of an AI startup, maybe thatā€™s the reason :slight_smile: Congrats to all that got accepted.

I got rejected from Ross on Friday. 1550 SAT, 4.995 W GPA, lots of extracurricularsā€”Captain of Debate Team for 2 years, National and State FBLA Entrepreneurship Champion, National (1st Place) and State Top 5 for Hospitality, Math Team State Qualifier, Varsity Tennis 4 years, Varsity Track 2 years, just to name a few. Volunteer at 4 non-profits and regular Homeless Shelter Supervisor. Took 14 AP Classes. The essay got me into UIUC CS, McCombs, and others. Letters of rec were probably decent.

I can barely afford in-state tuition and I am OOS, so no Financial Aid. Rejection from Ross really told me that I donā€™t belong at Michigan. Devastated at the moment but it will work out eventually

I am an East Asian Female from Illinois.

But congrats to everyone who got accepted!

I think it really matters what you wrote your Ross Portfolio on. They are looking for a topic that is unique or one that you have a personal connection with. I think it is often a misconception to say that in order to get into Ross, you need business clubs, National awards, or even start your company. Sure, these types of distinctions will not hurt you, but it goes beyond that. None of the activities I did in high school were economics or business-related(mostly STEM clubs). I personally believe that it all comes down to the analysis in the portfolio and the solution you come up with.

While I understand the disappointment, at the same time some of yā€™all need to be knocked down a few pegs.

They have a 12% acceptance to a top 3 undergrad business school, ofc itā€™s going to be really competitive. And just because someone got into lower states does NOT mean that they were less competitive than someone with higher stats. Essays speak volumes.

Also, stop thinking one acceptance to a top tier school is a correlation to acceptance to another. It is not.

Literally everyone that got into Umich vying for ross are alreayd all extremely comeptitive applicants. To assume it would be easy Is definitely a mistake but everyone has amazing choices so you win some and lose some.

Wave this Friday and Iā€™m nervous! I was deferred EA and got into LSA January 31st. Are the chances of me getting into Ross this Friday significantly lowered if we didnā€™t get in to Ross already. Iā€™m in state and had decent stats and pretty good essays. I was just wondering if itā€™s harder to get in (Ross specifically) as time passes.

@kakashi27 I canā€™t tell you whether or not if you are less likely to get accepted, but I can tell you that last year I was accepted to LSA on March 1st and accepted to Ross on March 29th. So donā€™t lose hope! :wink:

@kakashi27 I was deferred EA from LSA and I got into Ross last month. I donā€™t think being deferred will hinder your chances of getting into Ross. I speculate that many people get deferred EA because they are over-qualified or they just donā€™t have enough time to read your application. Usually, there are more acceptances during the first few waves but I could be speculating.

My son was accepted EA CoE and is still waiting to hear about Ross. Any thoughts on his chances at this point? We heard a few people who applied EA LSA IS were accepted last round. Wondering how many students from CoE are accepted to Ross each year? Any info is helpful, weā€™re still learning and maybe shouldā€™ve had him apply LSA instead of CoE.


There is no fixed quota that i know about home school for ross and even if you were EA, you could get accepeted in the last round. Getting into coe is harder than lsa, but ross does look very hard at the portfolio.

Is your C doing IOE which IMHO is a better UG degree to come back and get an MBA. Deadly quant and business combination.

Good luck.

Making this a sticky.

@ROSSX2 Thank you. Heā€™s thinking ME but I will have him look at your message. He was unsure what he wanted to do but is very strong in STEM and became very interested in business recently. Keeping our fingers crossed for good news.

@tigerlady15 . Ask him to speak with @Knowsstuff C who is at Michigan.

Everything should become clearer on Friday. Yes.
Should Ross acceptances on Fridayā€¦ But also rejections and wait listsā€¦

Thank you. Will do that.

Any suggestions on housing? What are advantages/disadvantages of living communities likes MDRAS or Living Engine? Advice is appreciated.

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MRADS is a great community with students of all interests, my D is currently in it. (although now at home due to Corona). There is a considerable amount of work that is required but she has made great friends and has had great opportunitiesā€¦some that did not materialize because of the travel bans and the loss of on campus resources, hopefully the 2024 cohort will not have such circumstances. They accept roughly 110 students and it is housed in Mosher Jordan.