Ross School of Business and writing

<p>Just much writing is required in Ross courses?</p>

<p>In OMS 301, you have to solve business problems and explain your solutions. It's a lot like your Math 115 or 116 team homework, just more case-based.</p>

<p>In LHC 250, you do a lot of business writing, which is a pain not because they're long and hard (they're actually very easy) but because they're so subjective. When teachers grade your writing, they follow a rubric that is too technical. They care about little details more than the big picture (things that normal businesspeople wouldn't care about at all.) For example, my friend wrote a cover letter for the class that the teacher graded harshly for stupid reasons, but when he used it for a real company, he got the internship. For that class, it's not about being a great writer (English and philosophy majors won't have an advantage). It's about following a framework of business writing principles that really shouldn't be enforced too strictly. You can tell when these communication instructors never worked for a company before. Also note that these instructors never practice what they preach. They're wordy all the time, use poor sentence structure, you name it.</p>

<p>Other than that, it's mostly analytical (quantitative) work. In marketing, you have to write-up a case study with your team. In fact, mine is due in a few weeks.</p>

<p>As a junior, I haven't taken management or corporate strategy yet. I imagine they involve some writing. And business law as well. That's all I can think of. Hope this helps.</p>