ROTC Cadet Life

<p>If one is on an ROTC scholarship and in the Corps of Cadets (Army):</p>

<p>Can he/she do extracurriculars with the normal college students?
Have free time to workout, etc?
Be allowed/ have time to go hiking in the surrounding forest (daily, few times a week)?
General socializing? With normal VT college students?</p>

<p>Any help is appreciated.</p>

<p>I didn’t do ROTC but I know several people who did.</p>

<p>Yes, they are part of the general student body and can do extracurriculars and what not with everybody else. I highly doubt that someone in ROTC could make it out to hike every day, but they do have some free time. Not as much as other students obviously, but they do get some. And yes, they socialize with other students.</p>

<p>As a freshman, you will not be doing much with normal students other than going to class with them. You also wont be doing much hiking or anything else thats considered fun.</p>

<p>As an upperclassmen you will get out alot more. You’ll get to socialize with whoever you want, go hiking on weekends, do ECs, clubs and whatever else.</p>

<p>For now, Id suggest just getting focused on NC week and preparing for freshman year. Its going to suck. It wont be hard, but it will get annoying and irritating. Just keep it all in perspective and take ROTC commitments seriously.</p>

<p>BTW, Im a junior in the VTCC and AFROTC this semester. If you have any specific questions just PM me. Good luck</p>