<p>First of all the financial aid process is not entirely fair. There are a lot of flaws in it. There are some niches where one can take advantage and some pitfalls to avoid as one will get slammed harder than one should, given the way things logically should work.</p>
<p>The system was set up before there were Roths, so when Roths came into being, they were just dealt with without a whole lot of analysis. That’s my feeling about it. The fact of the matter is that FAFSA does not include ANY qualifed pension or benefit plan (such as HSA, etc) as assets. You could have a billion bucks tucked away in such accounts and it doesn’t matter. But the minute you take a dime out of those accounts, forget the fact that you didn’t make anything on the money sitting in there, that you may have even LOST money in those investments, those funds are counted as income. They are income because they were not counted as assets and/or would not have been counted as assets so they are money from “somewhere”, “anywhere” and any money from those places gets counted as income.</p>
<p>So enter PROFILE schools. They don’t want to be too far off from FAFSA. But they don’t want to give a lot of their own funds. Those schools using PROFILE feel that if you have billions in your home equity and/or your 401K or hidden in some other qualified plan, they should know about it and in some cases, get a piece of it. There is an outright formula for home equity for most PROFILE schools and they are usually willing to give it to you, but for pensions, they are more secretive and often will just say that it depends on the entire financial picture. That you can’t be sued for pension assets, can’t lose them for being a bad boy/girl, but you can lose 'em for college payments. Yep, some PROFILE schools will tag them as assets. How much you have to have, under what circumstance and how they are assessed are all under Professional Judgment in most cases, though a few schools may well just hit up the whole bundle as regular old assets. I can see why the funds should be not always be sacrosanct. Really not fair to those who are at the same and lesser income and other asset levels and don’t have qualified plans. Also not fair if someone has a big fat pension being held by a company and therefore not reportable on PROFILE, but that is a whole other issue. </p>
<p>So, as it stands now, yes, if you take out money from a Roth IRA or any IRA or 401k type plan, it is counted as income as are distributions from formal company pension plans. Pure income. Never mind that the ROTH funds were taxed before you put them in the account, never mind that the company money never was your income whereas 401K and IRAs are. THey are all put on the same boat because no one wants to start differentiating among all of the weird things out there and the subtle differences among them. They are all income and they are so even if the school counted them in part or full as assets as well. Unfair and inconsistent, yes. aBut that’s the way it goes.</p>
<p>So the best way to go if you need more funds and are getting some financial aid and don’t want to lose it by jacking up your income with ROTH or other plan withdrawals is to borrow against Plans if you can or take out a PLUS or other loan, maybe a HELOC, and it back out of the ROTH or IRA or 401K if that was the direct way you wanted to pay those danged college costs to begin with if it weren’t for the hit on income you would have taken.</p>