Rowan University Management Information Systems vs. James Madison Uni Computer Information Systems

Which undergrad program is better in terms of salary, reputation (neither have a national rep, but I’m asking on the east coast) and jobs? Both are out of state as of now, and I’m most likely moving to VA soon. I’m focusing on these because they have CAC-ABET accreditation. I know that this isn’t too important, but I’ve seen a trend that CAC-ABET accredited MIS/IS programs have more computing/coding in their curriculum. (Even UT-Austin and UMD have MIS/IS programs in their B-Schools, but they’re very very light on the computer aspect compared to JMU or Rowan).

IMO, JMU has a bit too much computing (a good thing!), but Rowan’s decent too. Which schools B-school is better as a whole too and has a greater rep/placement percentage than the other? Thanks.

I would also like to compare NJIT’s Business and Information Systems major into this post. The program isn’t in their b-school, rather their computing school. But is it better than the above programs, equal, etc?

Basically I’m comparing the Rowan MIS, JMU CIS and NJIT BIS programs in terms of rep, placements/internships and salary/job outcomes.