Roxbury Latin - the best ?

<p>Roxbury blows Exeter out of the water .... </p>

<p>Roxbury was founded in 1645, just ten years after Harvard. The founder of Yale went to Roxbury, The founder of Harvard Medical School went to Roxbury. Presidents of Harvard and many many more. (and the founder of the middle essex school is an old roxbury boy. </p>

<p>The average SAT score is 2250 ... Exeter's is 2080.</p>

<p>15% of the graduating class goes to Harvard, half go to Ivies. </p>

<p>In every single test and or academic indicator we score far higher than Exeter plus we have way more history. </p>

<p>So why does Exeter get all the attention ? Because of bias.... name is not everything people ....</p>

<p>Hmmm....maybe because Roxbury is not a boarding school, which is what most readers of this board are looking at?</p>

<p>Maybe because it is all boys, and some girls might like to get a great education as well? (I have nothing against single-sex education, by the way).</p>

<p>And really, who can answer the question of "which school is best?" It all depends on the individual student.</p>

<p>kafkare - If yo u attend Roxbury Latin, congrats! It's a fabulous school.
Roxbury Latin is very well known and highly regarded by folks in the Boston area but BrooklynGuy is correct - it doesn't do much good for my non-Boston area daughter.</p>

<p>Agreed with brooklyn and's an amazing school, no question. But it might as well not exist for my family's purposes. I think it gets quite a lot of recognition, though. Many people know of it.</p>

<p>Your 100% right that's what i have been trying to say on my other boards i was just trying to show people ! Exeter is not the only great school out there, 2. There is NO BEST SCHOOL !!! It depends on what you want to do and what you want out of a school, and No.3 to do some real research into a number of school instead of merely amusing the A/E dominate in everything because that is false.</p>

<p>Good old middle essex school...</p>

<p>We looked at RL but just couldn't justify the 200 mile commute each way.</p>

<p>Roxbury Latin is, however, failing significantly at the task of moral education, if its current students feel the need to boast of their magnificence on a public internet message board.</p>

15% of the graduating class goes to Harvard, half go to Ivies.


<p>I'm sure the benefits of wealth and legacy status play into all of this.</p>

<p>My alma mater's average SAT was 2150, and a quarter of our folk went on to the Ivy League, and half to either a top university or LAC. Except... a vast majority of us are from "less privileged socioeconomic backgrounds," to put it euphemistically. I'm not impressed by the beneficiaries of elite educations reserved mostly for the rich.</p>

<p>I'll take your Roxbury Latin and raise you a Boston Latin.</p>

<p>and that doesn’t even include all the kids who choose other colleges over Ivies! I had a friend at RL who was two years ahead of me, and he chose Amherst over Dartmouth and Cornell. There was also a kid there who graduated when I was a freshman who chose some New York art school over several Ivies. RL is a great school.
Also, on the supplements for Harvard and Princeton, they don’t even ask if you are a legacy. (This is for you, “kwu”.) I have an uncle who went to Harvard, and they don’t even want to know. So legacy doesn’t have as much to do with it as you might think. Kids at RL are typically very well-rounded and intelligent people, with high test scores and lots of extracurriculars and community service. Colleges dig that kind of stuff, legacy or no legacy. And colleges, particularly Harvard, are making efforts to try to pull in people from, as you call them, “less privileged socioeconomic backgrounds.” The Harvard admission officer who visited my school left us with the impression that they are looking specifically for underprivileged kids and, when confronted with two equally qualified kids, one wealthy and one not so wealthy, they’d take the poorer kid. They seem to be making a concerted effort to shed this stereotype.</p>

<p>RL is a fine school - it gets little attention outside of the Boston area because it is a small, all boys day school and therefore only draws from a very small crowd.</p>

<p>in my opinion, legacy only matters if you donate money otherwise they don’t really care. the only reason harvard or princeton would care if you were a legacy was if you donated money, otherwise they don’t, that’s why they don’t ask if you are a legacy on their app.</p>

<p>Senay, that’s not true my dad worked in the Harvard admissions office and is an alum. Though one of the main reasons Harvard likes legacy is money, they also benefit from the alumni network and services that alumni give like college interviews as well as improving the stature of the university abroad. Whether you donated to the university or not a legacy applicant is a legacy applicant and you will be treated equally (of course unless you are donating in the 5 million dollars and up range). And you are wrong, on the common app it does ask where your parents went to college and so they know who you are. Plus the dean of Harvard PERSONALLY reads over every single application of legacy applicants. It does help significantly (as much as an additional 160 points on the old sat) and its not just about money. Around 43% of legacy applicants are admitted to Harvard.</p>

<p>I’m sure kafkareborn doesn’t go to RL. No one from Roxbury would make the mistake of posting a thread like this in the PREP SCHOOL Admissions forum.</p>

<p>Well, its not like this is the only thread about day schools or about roxbury latin on this site, and while the term “prep school” is generally used for boarding schools, I’ve heard plenty of people use the term to describe all private schools, so I wouldn’t really
call this thread a mistake.</p>

<p>And for everyone who is wondering, kafkareborn goes to Hotchkiss, not RL.</p>

<p>It is confusing because Kafkareborn says “we score far higher than Exeter”, which would imply that he was a student at RL. It must of been a typo.</p>

<p>It was a typo. I should not have used “we” because that implies I am a student when in fact i left years ago. I go to Hotchkiss now as noted.</p>

<p>Personally I think it was a bad idea to make this thread to begin with - for that I apologise. It was unfair and malicious. I created it in response to something an Exonian said about RL that angered me so in a fit of rage i decided to respond. I apologize for bringing a private feud to a public place of discussion. I do not even attend the school anymore so I really should not be writing anything about them and I shall not do so ever again. I apologize once again.</p>


<p>sorry to say half of the kids at RL are at least one year older than they should be.That has to help on test scores and come on you can’t say you take ten kids every year from Boston only (to make it sound like they are underprivileged but hey are from West Roxbury and have gone to private elementary schools. Yes they do take kids with great test scores. Not always the ones with the highest. If you want to go there you need to show that you excell in only one area beyond anyone else and have great scores. you don’t need to be well rounded. They will make sure you lokk that way to colleges. oh it also helps if you stay back a year or two. check the ages of the kids against their grade and you will know why they score high. Most are older than they should be.</p>

<p>Hello,I’m happy to be part of the community!</p>

<p>As an international student,it’s so difficult for me to choose one from these three schools.Would you please give me an opinion? please focus on:
Size(not too big)
Atmosphere(good relationship between students and teachers,etc.)
Sports(I like basketball/football)
Surrounding area(safty,etc.)
Anything else(Academic,drama,art,etc.)</p>

<p>thank very much</p>

<p>Hello,I’m happy to be part of the community!</p>

<p>As an international student,it’s so difficult for me to choose one from these three schools.Would you please give me an opinion? please focus on:
Size(not too big)
Atmosphere(good relationship between students and teachers,etc.)
Sports(I like basketball/football)
Surrounding area(safty,etc.)
Anything else(Academic,drama,art,etc.)</p>

<p>thank very much</p>