RPI Accelerated Physican Program

<p>So, I haven't really heard much about it until today. So, I thought CC would know the best about this program. So, is it very competitive to get into that program?</p>

<p>from what I have heard it is ultra competitive... if you make it through the RPI 'round' you still have to get by the AMC 'round' which i guess is impossible. but i'm only a highschool senior so what i'm saying may be complete bs. i want to know how hard it is to get in too... and maybe the stats of someone who got in would be nice?</p>

<p>based on my stats what should i do to increase my shot of getting it (besides SAT scores... I have no idea what happened there i'm retaking them in october- but what is a typical range of scores for kids that get into this program?)</p>

<p>here's my stats:</p>

<p>GPA: 93/100 unweighted
Rank: top ten percent
SAT: 1210
ACT: 28
Classes: AP Bio (4), AP Lit, AP Lang (4), Spanish 4, Latin I, AP Calc, AP Stats, AP Physics, SUPA econ, SUPA psychology, Advanced Zooogy/Human Anatomy, took sociology 101 over the summer at Lemoyne</p>

-1200 volunteer hours at an ambulance
-took a four month class to became a NYS Certified First Responder
-Vice President of Explorer post
-volunteer at two different hospitals about 50 hours
-NYS Business and Marketing honor society
-went to Barnard college/ Columbia Young Women's Leadership program
-Math League
-member of a premed lecture program
-Frontier of Science at SU
-won the RPI medal (a $60,000 scholarship for excellence in math and science)
-Spanish Club
-Ski Club
-JV Track
- Respect and Responsibility club
-National Shakespeare competition
-Student Senate
-high honor roll every marking period of HS.
- summer job at a lemonade stand for 2 years
There are some other ECs that I can't think of and aren't important.
- I'm having a rec. written by a doctor and professor at SUNY Upstate medical university</p>

<p>okay..I actually applied to this program and get into RPI and not the AMC round :( because I didn't really have any research experience...oh well I don't like AMC anyway :p</p>

<p>I think if you have my scores and a bit of research experience, its not hard to get in...I know some people who did get in and they aren't doing too well in their classes since to stay in the program you only need a 3.4...so none of them have any incentive to study :( I suggest you look at real pre-med type colleges (like Umich or Cornell - both of which I turned down due to an amazing scholarship offer from RPI :o) first and then apply here if you want to. Saving a year won't do much for your career and the MCATs are not the monsters that people think it is (with adequate preparation of course :D)</p>

<p>Here were my stats when applied:

<p>Location: NY
College Class Year: 2012
High School: Public
High School Type: sends some grads to top schools</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 4.00
Class Rank: top 10%
Class Size: 496</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 710
SAT I Critical Reading: 800
SAT I Writing: 800
SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 770
SAT II Biology - E: 780
SAT II Physics: 790
SAT II Chemistry: 800</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: some leadership positions and a few clubs
Volunteer/Service Work: temple, library - nothing significant
Honors and Awards: a ton of academic awards and some professional certificates
College Summer programs: none :(</p>

<p>Hope that helps :)</p>

<p>thnx for the info naidu! ;)</p>

<p>you're welcome :)</p>

<p>I had the same post last year and if it hadn't been for a very helpful girl who was in the program, I would have been very lost. I hope I did the same for you :)</p>

<p>hey guys,
should i consider applying…I retook my SATS and got a 1380 (idk how I didn’t even study and just sort of went in hopeless)- or is that still too low? and my current weighted gpa is way over a 4.0 (or 100)</p>

<p>I think you’re fine as long as you have a lot of research experience :D</p>

<p>yeah, I don’t. I’m really not getting my hopes up- I would be shocked if I got in. I just am putting off writing that essay. I applied to the Siena/AMC program already.</p>

<p>yeah…you’re pretty much screwed :o and really applying from another college doesn’t matter because it all ends up going to the same college (AMC), who base their admission on research.</p>

<p>no, at amc it is service based and at union it is based on leadership. only the rpi/amc is researched based. read the sites.</p>

<p>sorry I didn’t read the sites and instead spent my time trying to help you.</p>

<p>btw, my friend had similar stats to yours and applied everywhere and still got rejected.</p>

<p>anyone who applied to the program this year, do you know when we should hear back about app status/interviews?</p>


<p>yea same question: when do we hear back regarding interviews? i would guess anywhere from late december to early february, but something more specific would be nice.</p>

<p>we hear back in around the end of january- my bro applied a few years ago and heard back then.</p>

<p>i know that if you are considered for the rpi/siena/ or union programs you only end up having 1 interview at albany med that counts for all 3.
I also know that in the undergrad and med school interviews we are interviewed by one faculty member and one student.</p>

<p>and the person who posted the SAT I Math: 710 and 800 SAT I critical reading and etc etc- those are AMAZING scores- how did you NOT get in?</p>

<p>my scores are :
SAT Math- 740
SAT reading- 710
critical reading- 670
act- 33
sat II math 2- 650
sat II chem- 720
sat II phy- 730
sat II lit- 730</p>

<p>and activities-
tennis team varsity (4 yrs) captain sr year
musical fresh, soph, senior year- leads soph and senior
spanish club
latin club- only frosh year
ambassadors club
S.M.A.R.T. team (a research project with the medical school of wisconsin)
research assistant- ever since summer b4 freshman year
volunteer at hospital- 4 years for past 2 years
volunteer at hindu temple
founder of a service group- lasted only a year</p>

<p>k i’ve only taken 3 ap’s so far- my school has only offered 4 until senior year
ap microeconomics- 4 (junior year)
ap chem- 4 (junior year)
ap phy- 4 (soph year)</p>

<p>and this year my classes:
ap lit
ap calc bc
ap span
ap bio
honors us hist</p>

<p>any prayers of getting? especially w/ my low scores?</p>

<p>I didn’t get in because of my lack of medically related ECs :(</p>

<p>Do I have any chance of getting an interview? And assuming I do, is interview performance all that matters from there or do they still look at everything else? Also, do first semester grades play a factor in admission? Does AMC even get your midyear report? Sry for the onslaught of questions.</p>

GPA: 3.85 UW @ top magnet school (no class rank)
Junior APs: US History (5), Chem (5), BC Calc (5)
Senior APs: Bio, Stats, Lang, Gov</p>

<p>Test Scores:
SAT I Math: 740, 730, 690
SAT I Reading: 670, 670, 730
SAT I Writing: 760, 800, 770
Superscore: 2270</p>

<p>SAT II Math 2: 800
SAT II Chemistry: 760</p>

Newspaper – Writer and Business Manager (9,10)
NAACP Club – Founder/Treasurer (11,12)
Indian Culture Club – Secretary (10,11,12)
FBLA – Vice President (10,11,12)</p>

<p>Medical ECs:
Certified Emergency Medical Technician
100 hours of hospital volunteering
50 hours of nursing home volunteering
50 hours of physician shadowing (pulmonologist and anesthesiologist)
200 hours of antimicrobial peptide research</p>

<p><quote>hey guys,
should i consider applying…I retook my SATS and got a 1380 (idk how I didn’t even study and just sort of went in hopeless)- or is that still too low? and my current weighted gpa is way over a 4.0 (or 100)</quote></p>

<p>Just out of curiosity what school do you got to… how can you get such a high GPA with such a (no offense) lower end SAT score… For me I have the opposite problem. 3.75 weighted GPA with a 2130 SAT score.</p>

<p>I understand that this may come across slightly offensive, and I really don’t mean for it to be. ^^</p>

<p>bump…and can someone please answer my questions?</p>

<p>Barrack - I think you have a very good chance of getting an interview :D…though taking the SAT three times might be a slight set back…The interview really really matters, though if you get one that means that it is a very good chance that you’ll get in (unless you mess up the interview of course) First semester play a very insignificant role if your grades are pretty much the same, though if you start getting Cs on your first semester grade report, they’re going to start wondering…</p>

<p>happot - who are you talking to?</p>