RPI, UCSB, or UCSC? comp sci

<p>Hey guys, so like the title says I'm trying to decide between these three schools and I want to major in computer science.</p>

<p>I know RPI is probably the better program but I've heard bad things about their social life and it would be nice to go to a school that doesnt have like a huge ratio of guys:girls(I think rpi was like 5:1? seemed more when I visited) </p>

<p>So anyone that knows more about RPI's social life would be really helpful as well as any comparisons between ucsb and ucsc</p>


<p>Ratio is actually 2:1 now which is pretty nice; about one-third female and you see them often while going to classes and such. Socially, I’m pretty satisfied, but of course it could be better. Weather doesn’t really help, which would be a plus to UCSB and UCSC. Comp sci at RPI is so far kicking my ass, but I’m learning. I’m sure comp sci is great at UCSB as well; not sure about UCSC though. For parties- yeah, RPI has them. It’s a nice way for everyone to relax and go insane after all the tests and projects. All in all, if you can meet the right people, you’ll have a great time no matter where you are.</p>