RPI vs Purdue vs UCI

All cost without loan
RPI - computer engineering - 34k
Purdue - industrial engineering tech - 22k
UCI - software engineering - 9k

Which one should I pick?

RPI is more expensive but I will get a better paying job and better grad school if I do well. Purdue is great but not the polytechnic. UCI is the cheapest and in California (Cal resident)
Is RPI worth the debt? Can I switch major in Purdue once I get in? Or UCI is the best choice? Thank you

UCI all the way… their SW engineering is good. But what do you really want to study? These are 3 different areas.

I wanna study in computer related field, so I would have to switch major once I get in Purdue, and it could be hard to switch to computer science or engineering right?

Switching majors at any school brings in a degree of uncertainty. At some schools it is easier to change than others/ Like some schools let you change as long as you meet the min GPA and course pre- req requirements and in some schools, it is competitive and a stiff cut off for who gets in and not. Do your DD before you decide on your risk/stress taking ability and the degree you want to get.