Just wanted to see who else got a notification for the Randall Research Scholars Program. Also can anyone who got accepted provide insight on their reimbursement policies? It seems confusing from what I read.

My S19 was invited and plans to go. I understood they will pay up to $350 for airfare/travel and take care of most costs associated with the visit for the student. Since we haven’t visited campus yet, either my husband or I will also go, and find a hotel room on our own. I agree it’s not clear exactly how the reimbursement will work, but there was contact info for the program manager, so I imagine she can clarify.

My S19 was invited as well and will be attending the interviews. We visited in October and came away impressed. The whole university seemed very well run–I’m sure if you reach out with reimbursement questions you will get a quick response. Good luck!

My ds graduated from Bama in May and was in CBH/RRS. When he visited, I’m pretty sure we were mailed a check for reimbursement. RRS is a great program. Hope you enjoy interview weekend.

We were mailed a check to cover transportation. Son’s hotel was paid for. I think he was given a meal card to swipe.

Just went through this last year. I thought the reimbursement was pretty straight forward. We bought an airline ticket for my son. He flew down to BHM, a student in the program picked him up at BHM. They put the kids up at a hotel and had them occupied for the few days of the program and interviews. An RRS student drove them back to BHM at the conclusion of the event. They took care of all the meals while on campus, as many of them were structured events for the prospective students to get to know the program, members, and faculty, and vice versa. When my son returned home, he sent in a copy of the plane ticket receipt and he received a check a few weeks later.

RRSP has some of the finest faculty (Darren), program managers (Mrs. Batson), leadership (Dr. Sharpe), and outstanding young people (the RRS students) that I have ever met. They have high expectations and a tremendous culture.

Mom question here! My son is headed down for the Randall Research finalist interviews next weekend and I cannot tell from the email how formal these events are. Does he need to take a coat and tie or suit, like he would a job interview? We live in Alabama, so I know that things tend to be more formal, but I don’t want my son to be under/over dressed. Any other advice for the interviews in general? Thanks in advance!

In my son’s email, in the FAQs at the bottom, it says attire is casual, jeans casual, not business casual. I was a bit surprised, and I don’t think my son will wear jeans, probably khakis. But at least it is clear they don’t need a coat and tie.

Also does anyone know how many people they invite for interviews and of those how many actually get selected for the program?

Somewhere I thought I saw that 60 were invited, and last year they took 44? But I am not even sure where I saw those numbers!

Now that the interview weekend is done, does anyone know when decisions will be made? My son had to leave a bit early to catch his flight, not sure if they mentioned this info? I’m also curious what others thought? My son really enjoyed meeting lots of current and interviewing RRS students.

In past years I believe it was 3-5 weeks, or so. Don’t quote me on that, but it is not immediate.

My son really enjoyed the weekend! Wishing yours good luck!

When will the reimbursement for the flight come out?

Anyone get an answer yet as to when the decisions will come out?

Son got an email today. Letter to follow. He has been invited to accept RRSP spot. Very excited. I think this makes UA his first choice school

My son got accepted too.So excited!

My DS checked this morning and has also been offered a spot! I’m so excited for him–it it such a great opportunity

Thanks to everyone for posting - I had to wait until my S19 got home from school, but he was also accepted - very exciting opportunity!

Got rejected. I’m kind of shocked tbh.