RSI 2021 - Applicants Thread

sure! i posted my stats on another thread for a chance me but no one replied so i guess i’ll do it here again lol
Applying for primary field CS (machine learning) and secondary field bio (microbio)
SAT 1540
founded local nonprofit to support women in CS
some individual research experience in CS and microbio, not published, no awards
founder of school CS club where I teach kids how to code
founder of tons of charity chapters in my school

i wouldn’t say that i’m super competitive in terms of science research competitions and credentials. wasnt involved in anything prestigious

I touched upon the amazing peers and faculty i would be surrounded by. i also talked about how as a HS student in India i haven’t yet found research facilities/opportunities that could help me research about quantum physics, and how the world class facilities/ mentors at RSI would help me in that regard. I also linked it back to my long range goals, talking about how my time at RSI would be kind of a stepping stone to achieving them.

wow!! good luck :smiley:

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if u dont mind, could you share some of your stats/ecs?

thanks!! you too!

M from India too!
I wrote abt some alumni and how they r my inspiration and then abt how the research facilities would help me…

Also can u share ur Stats? Ig we r competitors XD

1590 SAT | 99.4% CBSE (Ig good :slight_smile: )

They were trolling. If you read deeper into the thread, it’s later revealed that the person was joking.
But maybe not /shrug, we shall see if

Sure! I am applying for astrophysics as primary field and computer vision secondary.
SAT 1580/PSAT 1500
Elected NHS Officer and Executive House Prefect for three years
Founder and President of my school’s Chess club; teach middle school students chess and organized a chess competition
Founder of Maker club
I did an exoplanet research with a Princeton professor. Did not get published, but he wrote a rec for me.
Entered a Chinese research competition but didn’t get to final lol
Some other competitions like AMC and stuff…but most of them aren’t famous

btw what other programs have you guys applied for?

wow! how did you get a research opportunity with a Princeton professor? I’ve always wanted to do something like that. your EC’s are super cool.

nothing else. just rsi

I actually did it through a Chinese research program called CIS (which is super easy to get in…). They basically don’t have any admission standards but do connect you to professors from top universities. The research project is genuine, but the students’ levels vary significantly.

Yup, it seems like there is still a bit of waiting considering they said in the next week.

Did any of you get into BU RISE?

Sorry, this is the wrong thread but I didn’t get in to BU Rise. So I guess I have no hopes for RSI…

same here rip

I applied with CS (Natural Language Processing) as my first choice and then Maths (Game Theory) as my second.

aaa I’m so stressed about the results :grimacing:

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