RSI Website Timed Out

GUYS I NEED HELP! The website for RSI timed out and it didn’t let me submit - what should I do?? I literary finished the application and spent so long on it

yeah… me too :sob: sucks because it was just the payment confirmation loading for like ten minutes and I was freaking out. Welp

What are we supposed to do???

how do you pay???

I am panicking so much right now

yeah :frowning: idk i kind of wish i knew about the program earlier and didn’t have to pull three all-nighters but looks like all the effort was for nothing. literally clicked submit and the payment confirmation was loading until it timed out like two seconds later TT welp i guess that’s that. I emailed them like a minute right after, but they’ll probably respond on monday and we’ll see. Should have taken a screenshot though

I literarly spent all of winter break on this application - do you think they will accept?

Do these kinds of programs usually accept it?

So sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do until Monday, or most likely Tuesday, given the holiday weekend. If you haven’t emailed them as @turtles123 has, you’ll want to. Explain what happened as simply and clearly as possible. Then, call them on Tuesday morning. Each situation is unique, but my kid had something similar happen in a different context, and they were allowed to submit their application. Wishing you the best.:crossed_fingers:

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Applications were due by 10 pm EST. From your timestamp, it appears you may have been really close to the deadline. The system may have prevented any submissions after a certain time. All you can do now is contact them and explain your situation. Best of luck to you.

@0000000000f and @turtles123, were you able to get in touch with CEE and complete your application? I assumed you were domestic students but if you’re international applicants, then you have until February 11 to submit your application.

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i didn’t… but the good news is that i was nominated to VA’s gov STEM school and I think I hopefully have a shot lollll so it’s alright ig!


Congratulations! That’s wonderful news! :tada:

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hi! i’m an international applicant this year and faced a similar situation where I wasn’t able to press the Submit button before the website timed out because of a network problem. does it go straight over to the payment window after you press submit? i emailed ms. ballestero, the head of the program, but she replied saying they are not considering late applications…

i tried calling but the call did not go through, i think this might be because a network error due to being international… would you be so kind as to let me know how you talked to CEE about your daughter’s situation so i might try contacting them again? i worked so hard on my app and would really like the chance to be considered :frowning:

Like with the OP, I’m very sorry this happened—I know how much work an application like one for RSI is and how emotionally invested the applicant is. I think it might be worth a second email to Ms. Ballestero, and maybe Cc any other people who might have their emails available. Unfortunately, the situation my daughter encountered was not with RSI/CEE itself but with a different online application. I really hope that if you explain in detail what happened they will make an exception in your case.