<p>Do any of the dorms have wireless access or receive it? (particularly on college ave and busch, but anywhere would be nice to know)</p>
<p>i thought i had read something about wireless routers not given, but you're allowed to set your own one up using your ethernet connection in your dorm room (which seemed like an odd stance to me, i didn't know of any schools that did that)</p>
<p>anyone have any info?</p>
<p>In my dorm at Busch, you can connect wireless in the lounges ONLY, but not in the dorms. </p>
<p>Also, if you have an integrated wireless card in your computer, you will be able to connect to internet in class. However, sometimes the internet works, sometimes it doesn’t, or sometimes it just goes plain slow.</p>
<p>You will need an ETHERNET CABLE (which you can buy at a local electronic store or at one of the convenience stores on campus) in order to connect to the internet in your dorm room.</p>