RUE Program Brown University Fall 2023

Just spoke with someone from admissions and they are saying that it could be in the next couple weeks…yes weeks

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Im hoping that she made a mistake.

Me too. I think a ton of people applied this cycle and they weren’t prepared. It’s so hard to plan for anything when decisions come out in June :cry:

OMG. Most schools have to decide whether to go in early June, so no one has time to wait a couple of weeks more.:sob:

Maybe someone could do me a favour and call the admissions office today and ask for the exact date? Really appreciate it. I don’t have a way to call while I’m abroad, sadly.

I don’t think they even have a date yet. “In the next couple of weeks” is so vague. I feel badly for you because you have to go through the visa process…and June does NOT give you enough time for that.

Exactly, thanks for u r being so kind to me. ughh, maybe I will go to gs.:sob:

We can go to GS together if Brown never comes out!

YES!! :two_hearts: If we cannot go to Brown together, we can at least go to NYC.

Maybe someone else can call to see if they get the same information

I wrote them twice to ask for the release date already. They don’t have a specific date. No matter if you call they won’t tell you.

I know, I also wrote one last week and got the same message. But this week, different people got different messages, so I’m wondering if things have changed because no one else got this message that they hadn’t decided on a date.

If anyone wants to do it: I think a lot of future applicants will read this thread when applying. I found it helpful to see who applied and got in and what their application/story was previous years so good luck future people here’s my stats:

  • Female
  • Late 20s
  • Originally from West Coast
  • Got B average in high school (transferred halfway, had difficult life circumstances during it)
  • International gap year program studying development
  • Private liberal arts college in Midwest for one year before dropping out (B average again)
  • Service industry experience
    (Went to another college for one semester - left it out of app because it was so short, didn’t go well, and I only did it because I felt I had to )
  • Service industry
  • worked for a Chinese restaurant + went to China
  • service industry
  • Self study indigenous literature and evolutionarily compatible systems - evolutionary self-respecting human made infrastructure
  • Yearlong apprenticeship/monastic practice at remote American Zen temple
  • Moved across country, more service industry + 2 year bodywork therapy certification (happened before/around COVID)
  • Moved to RI, partner (engineer) suggested I sit in on college classes due to intellectual restlessness, found out you can do so at Brown. Did this for one year. (ultimately volunteered at a lab there)

Letters of rec: business mentor + brown professor

Applied for: Mechanical Engineering with a focus in biomechanics
Justification: Interested in studying sex differences in biomechanics
Important community to me: women
Why brown/rue?: thirst for concrete physical knowledge of engineering, reached a point in my development where I can get a lot out of college, need a degree to go to grad school and the concrete knowledge to make a more powerful contribution. Suggested potential research pathway.
Future: grad school + entrepreneurship

Editing help: a couple older academic friends who edited my essay (one did deep cuts editing with me, the other did final polishing)

Good luck!


Any updates?

I haven’t gotten any

Rejected😭 How about u guys

Decisions have just been released. Rejected.

Waitlisted… What do waitlisted students do ? :persevere: is there a real shot?

I think so, cuz many students will accept other Ivy leagues offer.