RUE Program Brown University Fall 2023

I GOT IN!!! I can’t believe it I’m in shock



I got in. :scream:
I literally about fell off my chair!

Did not expect this.


thank you!!

SAME I screamed

Rejected. If anyone of you who get accepted want to talk about your application at all, it will be helpful to future applicants and us who got rejected.


For the ones that got accepted to Columbia GS are you going?
I received the financial aid package today but seems too much $$.
I believe I will stay in CC though.
Thoughts of the ones accepted into GS?


I’m going to GS. Was your financial aid generous?

Don’t know.
I have a meeting this Friday with the Financial Aid Office so they can explain me exactly what I need to pay as I don’t understand their math. (something must not be clicking on my head).
Depending on their information I would decide.

Oh, forgot to mention about my stats: I’m white. For people who are disrupters but lack any prestige markers and are white… Brown is at the intersection of woke and establishment elite. If you don’t want to pander to that it’s probably unrealistic that you’ll get in. I thought I’d transcend that by merit and involvement in the school, but my case obviously shows it’s not worth it.

I don’t know about you international applicants if there are additional or different standards, everyone should share their stats because it really does help future people.

The following comments are predicated on you being an adult (not a recent HS grad) given you are applying to RUE. I think the expectations are different.

Sounds like the only way you would have concluded Brown is a meritocracy is if you got accepted. Now that it hasn’t worked out you are claiming racial bias because you are white. Not the way the real world works.

You might not realize but you are diminishing the achievements of those that got accepted.

Odd that you would have wanted to go to such a place yet are apparently so disappointed at not having the opportunity to attend.

Good luck.

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Unfortunately the people who make those decisions didn’t see it that way.

You mentioned previously that you were a B student through HS and a B student during a year of college and then had “a bad experience” during a semester at a second college.

Last stat I saw suggested that somewhere around 40% of Browns applicants were either their class valedictorian or salutatorian. Keep in mind with a low single digit acceptance rate they reject many of these super high stat and achievement kids.

I don’t share this to imply you aren’t deserving but provide context and perhaps suggest an other candidates had better then B averages, more rigorous academic histories or better essays.

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Reality check. There are a lot of students at Brown that aren’t Latina, lesbian, ADHD, low income or the granddaughters of immigrants. They all however tend to be elite students who offer some or several other talents or attributes that will contribute to the Bruno community

In fact there are undoubtedly some kids that likely look and have backgrounds not that dissimilar from yours as portrayed in your application.

You didn’t get rejected because one person got in, nor is one data point relevant. You are extrapolating from an anecdote. You got rejected because in relative terms across a spectrum of institutional goals you fell short.

You seem to take umbrage at the term entitled yet you repeatedly argue that your rejection defines the entire process as unfair. That is the embodiment of entitlement.

You spent months posting about how anxiously awaiting and hopeful you were and then suddenly the school stinks. So if sour grapes isn’t posting on a thread like this about how crappy a place Brown is the day after you got rejected what is?

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You got me curious regarding the origins of the expression Sour Grapes…

“The idiom sour grapes is taken from an Aesop Fable called The Fox and the Grapes. In the story, a bunch of grapes hangs from a vine, just out of the fox’ s reach. The fox tries all manner of maneuvers in order to obtain the grapes, but he fails. The fox walks away muttering, “I am sure they are sour.” The moral of the fable is: “It is easy to despise what you can not get.””

Hope that is useful.