<p>I'm planning to run for a class officer position for the next school year, most likely Secretary. I'm not popular and barely any people in my class of approximately 500 know me, so it's going to be a tough campaign.</p>
<p>Do you think students would be more likely to vote for me if I talked to random people in my grade individually about how I am running for Secretary? How would I go about doing it (what would I say)?</p>
<p>I know politicians go around shaking hands of and discussing their positions on issues, but obviously that wouldn't work in a high school environment.. so I need to do something practical and appropriate.</p>
<p>Make signs, t-shirts get together people who’ll help you campaign, like a campaign manager or stuff like that and make it fun so people will wanna help you and vote for you</p>
<p>I’m class secretary too, and I would say making sure your speech really defines how YOU would be the best person for this position would help a lot. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, but make sure you say that you’d be committed/responsible/dependable/etc.</p>
<p>As for the approaching people in your grade thing, definitely do it! Start with the people in your classes and ask them if they’ll vote for you; you know you’ll do a good job and you’re (hopefully) not going to let anyone down, haha. Talk to as many people as you can.</p>
<p>Popularity has a nasty way of becoming a major factor in these kinds of elections, so all you can really do is make sure your qualities are better for this office than other people’s social status.</p>
<p>Yes, speech is really important, as others have said.</p>
<p>And go and talk to everybody! If I have two candidates I’ve never heard of I’m going to vote for the one that came by and said, “Hey, vote for me!”. Just talking to people can change a lot of things. You don’t even have to say much.</p>
<p>Yeah, like others have said, talk to a lot of people and get them on your side. Also, try to make a catchy slogan with your name or maybe even some kind of icon that people can identify you with, maybe even both. And for the speech, I’m assuming your high school is like mine, so if you are funny, people will like you and vote for you. Even though it’s not necessarily a good thing, people don’t vote for the boring guy who drones on about how he’s going to put a tax on plastic forks or whatever. lol. So make sure you’re funny/interesting</p>
<p>I plan to run for Treasurer. I will carry three sheets to the speaker of random words to make it like I have a long speech. Instead I will hold my papers in my left hand, point to myself, say the word “Jew,” and walk off the stage. Automatic win right?</p>
<p>I’m running for secretary in my school too plus this is my first year in this school as well. Hardly anybody is running though still I made stickers( people luv stickers and plus you can just make them on Word) and really cute flyers. Just be really nice and generous to people and seem friendly. Talk to people randomly you know will kindly respond back.</p>
<p>My class has approx. 450 kids and from my middle school only like 5 of us went to this school (cause they were so far apart). So I ran and it was like the 3rd week of school. I went to walmart and in their clearance section I found gum for 10 cents for a pack of gum w/ 5 pcs… So I got like as many packs of gum as I could. I ended up getting like 100 or so I think. I printed out labels that said XXX XXXX for Class Coordinator! And put the school logo on them, and put them on one side of the gum pack. I handed them out through campaign week and on the last 2 days I just bought some more candy like lollipops, etc. and put the labels on them and handed them out. It worked I won. But I quit sophomore year, lol.</p>
<p>BTW, does anyone know if you can find out if anyone else is running for a position before you run for it? I know it’s different at every school, but can you do that at your school?</p>
<p>I know that’s pretty pathetic of me but I guess I’m just so scared of not winning, I know it’s horrible but I’m afraid of failure… I would totally run for something if it had no one else running. That’s how this boy I hate became president of my class my freshman year.</p>
<p>LOL. at my school, people arent even allowed to make speeches or anything of the sort. you can just campaign. oh well, its not like an incompetent class officer even affects anything lol.</p>
<p>If you have to give a speech, I agree that you should only promise what you know you can fulfill. I have been president of my class since freshman year (I am now a junior) and I know that the speeches I have given have helped me win each election.</p>
<p>At my school, I know that you can ask who else if running for a position. I know that I frequently checked during my sophomore reelection campaign, and last year I checked until the last day you could sign up to run (I ended up running unopposed). So I don’t see why you can’t ask about it. Don’t be afraid to run against someone though. You will regret it later if you don’t. Even if you don’t win, you gave it a shot, which is better than if you didn’t run in the first place. Plus, you never know what can happen. I ran against three girls my freshman year (I was the only guy) and I ended up winning. My sophomore year I ran against two very popular girls, and still ended up winning. So give it a shot no matter what.</p>
<p>The only thing I hate, though, is if you have a class officer position in my school, you often have to dress in these ridiculous clothes and perform skits in front of the entire school. I don’t mind having a leadership position or meeting everyday before school starts, but I DO NOT want to dress up like Elvis and dance around in front of everyone. It’s for school spirit, I suppose, but eh…</p>
<p>just be you…i decided to run for senior representative at my school and i had three people running against me. they were really popular especially this one girl. I wouldn’t say im popular but people think i am just because of my dancing. but once i got signs posted and my campaign running people started to come up to me and say, “hey i’m voting for you” it was a schocker. just be yourself and talk to people and get more invovled in school activities now so you will be known by next year. and people love candy…i know its bribe but people said they were going to vote for me before i even handed them out but yeah hope this helps.</p>