<p>what should i include in my speech/ how should it be constructed?</p>
<p>i am semi-popular---known as the "smart" girl (i dont necessarily agree)
people think im quiet
im number one in my class
i worked on 2 political campaigns-- local and national elections
i am the student representative to the board of education--only student there
and a few others</p>
<p>^should i focus on my "accomplishments" or should i talk about my "character"?</p>
<p>talk about your character. To put it bluntly, nobody wants to hear you brag for a few minutes, they’ll be less inclined to vote for you</p>
yes thats what i was thinking</p>
<p>If you have to ask CC what to put in your speech maybe you aren’t cut out for NHS VP.</p>
<p>^jkaufman-- shut the fuuvck up. i wrote my speech myself and included what needed to be included. i gave it today and surprisingly a long period of applause followed.
all i needed was a guideline from people who may have done this sort of thing before.
but ohhh well i did it without one, and i am pleased with the results.
so jkaufman, just stffu. gosh–i knew some smart azs would state that.</p>
<p>Promise money. Lots of money.</p>
<p>And don’t react like you just did in post #7. That is unlikely to win many votes. Although it might actually be funny and have unexpected benefits.</p>
<p>you MUST rap.
I swear you MUST.</p>
<p>Here’s my favorite NHS speech (given, it’s better for a president)</p>
<p>“Rather than tell you what a leader is, I’ll show you. Next year as your president.”</p>
<p>done right after a lengthy speech on leadership done by a running opponent.</p>
<p>rap? im not really that type but okay 
next is a “debate” session.
so hopefully i could include more stuff there.
and LOL forgive post #7–i have a sharp temper and i hate when people are mean/rude just for the sake of being mean/rude.</p>