My school has both running start and highschool options.
I realize that rs students can get an associates by graduation, and they can likely transfer to another college. However for the purposes of this we are ignoring that.
Lets say a RS kid had to get to a college with only a highschool transcript. What would that look like? Would running start classes go in like AP classes on a weighted GPA?
Running Start courses (at least in my case) are not weighted like AP classes (sadly). As for the transcripts, the college courses were just listed along with my high school courses (but they were labeled as college courses). Your high school GPA and college GPA are combined, but both were also listed separately on my transcript.
Here is a blog post I wrote a while back about Running Start (please excuse typos and misspellings I didn’t expect anyone to really read it but me). Link:
You need to ask your HS GC. They will tell you what weight those classes get.