<p>How are their programs? It would be great to hear from people who went on one of their programs/have a friend or kid who went on a program.
Looking at the website, the programs sound really amazing. Some of the medical service programs (such as the thailand one) stand out to me, as I am interested in medicine. the india ones sound amazing as well.
The prices seem reasonable, and cheaper than many abroad summer programs.
At the same time, it seems kind of sketchy, and the whole mixing and matching programs is kind of weird.
So any feedback from people who have been on one of their programs or are considering going on one of their programs would be great:D thanks!</p>
<p>i was looking at rustic pathways last year and thought the whole mixing and matching thing was weird so i did putney instead and it was amazing. but my cousin did just one (no mixing and matching) 10 day rustic pathways program in Thailand last summer and loved it, so im sure it is good. I know some other people who went on rustic pathways and loved it too, but im not sure which programs they did.</p>
<p>My D did two summers with Rustic Pathways - one in Costa Rica and one in India. She had a great time, experienced some culture shock in India, and got something to write about in her college application essay. Most of the programs are more fun then they are community service, but she did work some - clearing rocks from a field, building a fence, painting. The Costa Rica program was with the turtle rescue project. The programs seem well managed and relatively safe. They give students a discount for second-year programs.</p>
<p>Advice: Probably best to avoid Thailand this year.</p>
<p>i thought about this one, but it seemed kinda touristy and something colleges would not really value…like just a vacation… but they looked fun… did anyone use this program on an app?</p>
<p>My daughter and nephew (16 & 15) are interested in a Mexico or Central America 8-10 day program for summer 09. I’d like to hear from parents who have sent their kids on these programs – is the company well-organized and reliable? how are their communications? can you speak to a rep when you need to? how did they do escorting kids travelling to and w/i the country? any safety concerns? Thanks for any feedback.</p>
<p>My D went to Fiji with Rustic Pathways last year as a graduating senior…she came back saying that the staff was not the best and were not really concerned with the welfare of the kids…this is an 18 year old; her main staff member was 22…we realized that it was a good thing that she was an older traveller; if she was 15, she may not have been as flexible with the situation…</p>
<p>suburban: you need to find out about escorts on each of the trips…there were no escorts on the first leg of my D’s trip last year, but she was 18. Another girl had to fly herself from one location to another to join a trip and ended up alone and lost in Australia…definitely check before committing…</p>
<p>My 15 year old went last year to Tanzania for both the service program and the climb. I found the program well organized–they provide parents with lost of details on medical forms, etc. and you have to sign off on any “extra” risky activities and can say “no”. She came back absolutely enthralled with the trip, her instructors and her expereince was quite a growth experience for her. She is planning a Thailand trip this summer and although it’s scary to see her go so far away from home, there is always a way to contact the lead people in the country. I’d say take a deep breath and trust–it was worth it for my daughter. Most of the kids were just good kids wanting to see the world.</p>
<p>Can anyone tell me what shots they got when they went to Costa Rica with Rustic Pathways? I will be getting mine next week but I didn’t want to get any I really don’t need. Just wondered what others did.</p>
<p>I am only 14 and wanted to know what the normal ages are for going to Thailand? if you could help I would love it!</p>
<p>I honestly wouldn’t recommend any program like this. There are tons of them out there. You’re basically paying to do community service in a developing country.</p>
<p>People think it’ll look great on a college application… culture shock… building houses for people in Mexico … and that’s what everyone writes about. Classic rich-kid-who-visits-a-developing-country-and-discovers-poverty.</p>
<p>If you really want to do something neat I’d design my own research project, travel to a third world country, and bring a video camera along with me.</p>
<p>Just my two-cents.</p>
<p>I’m considering sending my 14 year old daughter (she will turn 15 this summer) to Thailand with Rustic Pathways. Has anyone had any experience with going on one of their trips at this age?
I’m a little concerned about lack of supervision. How supervised are they at night?</p>