Rutgers Business/Honors Program vs UMiami Herbert vs UF Pace Program

Any feedback appreciated - we are NJ residents and son is deciding between Rutgers Business (also accepted to Honors program), UMiami Herbert Business and UF Pace program. Like most NJ kids, he wants to go out of state, but obviously the draw of Rutgers Business + Honors is making him consider his options.

Rutgers Business School is very well regarded. It’s a great deal for in state students. I would pick that, especially given the honors admission.

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All three are good schools but UF Pace is online for a decent chunk of the college experience - so if it were me, I’d eliminate that.

From a cost POV, Rutgers.

If you can afford it, Miami is great - but outcome wise likely no better than Rutgers.

I would not attend UF Pace - and even if you got into UF, I don’t think outcomes would be substantially different than Rutgers or UMiami.

I think you choose:

  1. Which you can afford.

  2. Then from the list of affordable, which you like best.

  3. Which you could fully attend as an enrolled student for four years - which eliminates one.

Good luck.


Rutgers Honors is best. Offer to pay for study abroad with some savings.

I bet that Rutgers is cheapest for you, and since it’s very good, plus it’s accessible to NYC for internships, I’d definitely go with that. Remind son that he might also want grad school, that there might remain money in the pot for that, if less is spent on undergrad. Assuming money exists for it, let him live on campus, even if it’s within commuting distance.

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