<p>So when I was filling out my application several months ago, I boxed that I wanted to live off campus. But now that I think about it some more, I kind of changed my mind. Would it be possible to to get housing now? I know space is limited this late in the game, but there is probably some room somewhere, right? Also, on the enrollment pathway, there was still the option that asks if I want on campus housing. So, did it even matter that I checked off campus housing before? Because I still have the option on my enrollment pathway page. Any replies would be appreciated. Thanks!</p>
<p>Possibly...? I'd say call housing ASAP. Or email- here is the address: <a href="mailto:uhousing@rci.rutgers.edu">uhousing@rci.rutgers.edu</a> .</p>
<p>Also, in order to live on campus you have to submit a vaccination form that has to be received by July. I don't know if other students have to do this too, but if you haven't done it already I'd get on that as well.</p>
<p>Thanks for the reply! I called them and everything seems to be alright. I guess all I need to worry about now is sending in my vaccination form.</p>