<p>Does Rutgers have good/decent dorms?
Hows the food?
Overall Experience
Negatives? Postives??</p>
<p>I haven't appliied to Rutgers yet, but I know I am going end up there (if I get accepted---Hopefully I will). These are just things I am wondering. Ohh yeah I am a Junior in High school in South Jersey. </p>
<p>It will depend pretty largely on the campus you live.</p>
<p>Dorms on college ave suck, well the ones I've been in, meaning the freshman ones: mettler, brett, clothier. All are cramped and no a/c. Busch and Cook however are different stories. The honors suites on busch are really nice if a little antisocial at times. Cook has some really nice dorms in Perry and Voorhees, but socially not very good unless you know people in the Newells or other apartments.</p>
<p>The food at Busch and Neilson are good for college standards while the others pretty much suck. I know of a bunch of kids that live on CA that go to Busch just to eat. Otherwise, a nice thing that I don't think a lot of kids know about it is every friday night I think it is, at the Douglass dining hall, Cooper, they do this five course meal thing. Its's a normal swipe and you get soup, salad, sorbet, meal, and dessert. It's a nice changeup from the norm.</p>
<p>Overall though I was only there for a semester due to Katrina but it wasn't a bad experience.</p>