I just received an email from Rutgers University that says I have been accepted into the Mason Gross School of the Arts. I am excited, but unfortunately feel that I cannot celebrate yet. After attending an information session from one of the schools that I applied to, I wrote down that I need to receive two acceptance letters before I could attend the school (one from the university and one from the school of the arts). I neglected to note WHICH school would send two letters!
I applied to:
Rutgers (Mason Gross)
James Madison (School of Dance and Theatre)
Carnegie Mellon (School of Drama)
Virginia Commonwealth (VCUarts)
Boston University (School of Theatre)
North Carolina School of the Arts
Does anybody have any insight into which school might require me to receive two letters for me to be actually accepted?
Do you have a Rutgers portal ID and have you checked the portal? If there’s a requirement that you be academically accepted at Rutgers I would imagine you’d see that status online. Congratulations for your acceptance to Mason Gross!!!
Right now all you need is to know if Mason Gross School requires you to have also been accepted to Rutgers itself. So go on the Mason Gross Website and see what they say in “admissions”.
@stones3 – I am guessing by the username the student is planning on pursuing theatre tech. I think all of the schools on the student’s list have fine theatre tech programs.
True, @stones3 – but back to the OP’s question, the six schools listed have fine theatre tech programs. Each of them is different (BA vs BFA, conservatory vs not, large vs. small, etc.) yet still fine theatre tech programs. Your theatre tech student’s ranking of the programs would likely be different from others simply based on individual preferences.
Best wishes, @techtheatremajor ! I hope you have received good news!
Since no one has answered your question…, the Rutgers University admission is what you are missing. Rutgers requires you to be accepted to both, the arts school and the State University, separately. Without having an acceptance from both you cannot attend. Best of luck!!!