Rutgers- New Brunswick vs University of Georgia?

<p>I narrowed down my choices to those 2 universities but I am seriously torn! I am an international undergrad looking to major in Journalism. </p>

<p>Here are some of the pros and cons I came up with! </p>

<p>Rutgers- New Brunswick:
Pros: -Close to NYC (more internship opportunities)
-Higher world ranking (global reputation)
-High return on investment ranking (Forbes)
-Strong Alumni base in NYC </p>

-Journalism program is not as good as UGA's.
-ranked 69 in nationals while UGA is 60</p>

Pros: -Excellent journalism program
-close to Atlanta (but not comparable to NYC!)
-ranked 60 in nationals.
-Cheap cost of living (very affordable).</p>

-in a rural area/ quiet town and unless I go to Atlanta then internship opportunities are very scarce.
-less known on a global scale.</p>

<p>-Both Universities are great, I don't know what to do! Rutgers has the location I want (I really want NYC bcz I am interested in working in Journalism/PR/ Advertising so opportunities are great there) however UGA is great as well with it's prestige in the journalism field (but I am not sure if I will get good opportunities in Atlanta and journalism is all about the work!) </p>

<p>Note: both colleges will cost me the same tuition exactly so what can I do? What is some of your advice should I go to Rutgers because of it's location (+it's still a good school) or should I go to UGA because of it's strong program (and try to work extra hard to get internships in Atlanta?)</p>

<p>I really don't know! </p>

<p>Thankssss! x</p>


<p>Anyone? Any of your advice is greatly appreciated!! Pleaseā€¦</p>