Rutgers study abroad program

<p>how is rutger's study abroad program?</p>

<p>i checked out the site for it (Rutgers</a> - Study Abroad) but i'd like to see if there's anybody on this forum who's actually been involved in it and what they think, or if anybody else is interested in study abroad in general</p>

<p>I’ll be doing the summer program in rome this summer.</p>

<p>Honestly I’m not a big fan of the study abroad department. My boyfriend is spending a semester in ireland through them right now, and at first he was told that he wouldn’t be able to get on campus housing there (later on he was offered it, but opted to go off campus anyway). I just feel like they did not support him as much as they should have.</p>

<p>Additionally, it’s incredibly expensive. </p>

<p>This might seem like a trivial complaint, but when I went there the other day to find out how to put down a deposit on my trip the girl sitting at the front desk was totally useless. She made me wait ten minutes and said she didn’t know what information I needed. After I saw a kid come in and grab an envelope out of a folder, I realized that I might need an envelope like that and, lo and behold, I did. Gah. </p>

<p>They also will do nothing to help you arrange your travel. You have to book your own tickets and work that all out yourself. My program is going to cost about $5,000, and that’s before I factor in plane tickets and food.</p>

<p>However, this is just my opinion. I know several people who have had/are having really good experiences abroad. I just feel like the department, as a whole, is not as good as it should be.</p>

<p>It’s expensive but def not as expensive as other programs at other schools. Most of the programs I’m interested in cost about 11 - 13,000 for a semester, including room and board. </p>

<p>are you sure the 5000 doesn’t include food? because i know for the urbino program, it’s 5,700 food and plane included.</p>

<p>I’m conflicted on whether I want to study aboard or not, but I’m still a freshman so I have time. But yea, some of those programs are freakin’ ridiculous in cost, especially for the Spring semester. For some, tuition for a semester abroad is equivalent to a YEAR at Rutgers. I don’t know how much money my parents are willing to shell out =( </p>

<p>Anyone have anymore experiences to share with us? =)</p>