Rutgers Vs. TCNJ for Nursing

I’ve been accepted to both TCNJ and Rutger’s NB nursing programs and even after visiting both campuses, I am still conflicted.
I loved TCNJ’s campus and it’s nursing facilities and felt I could be happy there but my biggest concern is about what to do on or off campus. As for Rutgers, I liked it’s campus even better as there was so much to do (there’s even an iceskating rink on campus?!) but I wasn’t as sure about it’s nursing program because I know their nursing school building is located farther off campus and also, they start their clinicals much later than TCNJ- Rutgers I think starts in junior year while TCNJ in sophomore year.
I’m just wondering if anyone has feedback on these two programs and if any current TCNJ or Rutgers students could tell me what there is to do on campus.
I would be paying about the same for both schools so that’s no issue, but I was accepted to TCNJ’s honors program.
Thank you!