?'s about Colorado College

<p>This school looks really amazing, but I do have a couple of questions. First of all, is it really as big of a party/drinking school as it sounds like or is it about normal or have I been reading the wrong stuff and maybe it is below normal? Does everyone really do as much marijuana as it sounds like? And finally, does their gym have any group fitness classes to take at all? Is their gym even good? I couldn't find anything about it online.</p>

<p>For anyone who might have gone there or would know, what do you think of the block system and how is the academic load in terms of stress inducing?</p>


<p>Honestly, I can't say. But I can tell you they have an excellent psychology program!</p>

<p>I am a parent of a freshman varsity athlete. You might find an article from last year's
Denver Post interesting. I can not figure out how to post the link but if you google
"Denver post article on Colorado College-College Admissions miss risks". I believe it was from October 2007. I confess that I was concerned about the reputation you mention but my S has found the reality to be very different form the reputation, especially if you are a varsity athlete. My S certainly enjoys attending parties and I am sure he enjoys his beer but he does not fit the profile you mention. He is SOOOOOO happy. He shutters at the thought that he might have decided on another "higher ranked" LAC over CC. He says the majority are outdoorsey and athletic. But like any college you find a wide range of personalty types. A friend of his attends a high ranked LAC in the east and he thinks they party/drink more than students at CC. The gym--well that is pretty sad but a renovation is in the works. I would really encourage you to visit and decide for yourself---my S will never regret his decision to visit and not rely on other people's opinions.</p>

<p>BTW, the one thing that really struck him after attending accepted students weekend was how friendly the students were.</p>

<p>Thank you so much! I am really glad to hear that the people don't live just to party. Here at my current school, the students go out every night and half of them end up at the Health Center near the point of alcohol poisoning. Public Safety is pretty much just a chauffeur service for the students who have passed out or have lost their motor skills severely enough that they have to be driven back to their residences. Lots of my peers have complained about doing poorly in school due to the fact that they are out every night (literally monday through sunday) and are so tired that they can't even concentrate on schoolwork.</p>

<p>My son, also an athlete but not varsity level, loves CC. Yeah, he likes his weekend partying. But you would have to be a genius to be partying every night and keep up with the Block System.</p>

<p>The Block System is the main thing to consider about CC. People tend to love or hate the idea.</p>

<p>PS Son says the gym is not great but certainly has everything he needs, and he is a committed athlete.</p>

<p>He does not find the Block Plan stress inducing, quite the opposite.</p>