S24 missed NM Commended by 1 index point (206)

No, quite the opposite, 1350/206 is 710 EBRW, 640 math. Generally speaking EBRW is harder to get a high score on, hence the higher overall percentile.

I will say that NMC did not seem to make any difference to S23’s UC results (he scraped in with a 207 and 1410: 750 math, 660 EBRW) and he couldn’t submit his 1530 SAT. Also statewide eligibility (which he also had and is based on the number of A-G courses taken and GPA in them) did not seem to help much (other than guaranteeing admission to Merced), but ELC does appear to help a lot at Santa Cruz etc. Due to his relatively low GPA (3.7UW), limited ECs and lack of ELC he was waitlisted or rejected at all the UCs he applied to (and at CPSLO), fortunately he eventually got off the waitlist at UCSC and is attending.

Here’s a summary of the admission results for ELC eligible applicants:

No. For example, we never heard a word from our counselor about top 9% and I certainly never signed any form to allow the release of information. But when my D hit the UC app submit button, it popped up, and then was visible in her application portal afterwards.

Yes, there are two different designations: top 9% ELC and top 9% statewide. They both confer guaranteed admission (usually to UC Merced, although last year also UC Riverside in some cases). But even still, my D was top 9% ELC and there was no counselor involvement or form to sign about it.

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I saved everything, so heres the form I signed. This must be for the school 9%. Anyway, good to share with others so they know that the statewide 9% will show up after app. submission (which D did see after also).

Is the student accepting of Merced as an option ?

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No, she was accepted to UCSB and UC Irvine honors (denied at UCLA). She had other options in the end. This was D22.

Interesting. If you read it, it seems like it’s more for recruitment purposes, rather than the official application itself. It sounds like your school sends out this info prior to applications and regardless of whether or not the student even decided to apply to a UC. I wonder what effect that actually has? I’m not sure how UCs recuit, but maybe this is something they use.

At any rate, this is not needed for the application. The students does not need to grant any special privileges to the counselor to share this information as it is contained the UC application that the student fills out. The UCs will receive this information without any participation from the counselor, and this is true for both ELC and statewide. So there is no need to worry about this form. It is not part of the application process.

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I meant the upcoming - if it were the only UC option ? For many it’s not so to me that makes the top 9% not relevant - if that’s the case.


It looks like your student’s class will be used to determine a new benchmark GPA for future classes’ ELC determination. UC will recalculate GPAs from your student’s class to determine where the top 9% benchmark GPA.

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Yeah, that makes sense that the form is more of a recruitment thing or a way to base the new benchmark.

For my current situation with S24, the ELC isnt relevant. He will be solely relying on his gpa, PIQs, ECs, honors. I do feel he has a great shot to be accepted to a UC, but the accept rates are lower every year. Thanks again, and I’ll let you know where he lands!

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@twoin18, thanks for sharing this story, and huge congratulations to your son! My D22 has a friend at UCSC and she absolutely loves her bio program. She had been WL at UCB, UCSD, and UCLA but didn’t come off any of the WL. She’s happy she didn’t now.

Edit: just read the attached pdf you attached! Great, this is very helpful info.

Is he considering any of the CalStates, if he wants to stay in California and given how unpredictable UC admissions is becoming? Or…any of the WUE schools which will grant discounted tuition to California students?

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WUE schools absolutely grant reduced tuition - what exactly are you asking?

Yes, S24 is applying to 7 UC’s, a few Cal States (Cal Poly SLO, SDSU for sure, and maybe Cal Poly Pomona and CSFU), and he has U of AZ, U of Hawaii Manoa, bc of the WUE and great physics programs (astrophysics interests).


Oh yeah Zona is a great pick for physics !!

Just asking if any of those were on her student’s radar!

My S23 is doing astrophysics, so is very pleased with UCSC (his original top choice), he was going to attend Arizona until he got off the waitlist at UCSC. He also liked ASU’s Earth and Space Science program (which with his stats was cheaper than Arizona). The rest of his list was very similar to yours.


@MMRose, yes, thank you for asking, bc you are absolutely right! He’s been very open to adding other schools so long as their physics program is very good.

@Twoin18, omg! Thats amazing our sons are so similar. Now Im even more happy that your son is at UCSC! Its literally one of the TOP programs. And absolutely, we’d be happy with U of AZ too. So, we shall see what happens…

Has he checked out UCSB’s College of Creative Studies (CCS) in Physics? It sounds like an amazing program! One of my kids looked CCS (for a different major) and we were very intrigued by it!

If I recall, it requires a separate application than the regular UC app, so I’m not sure a lot of people know about it.

About | UCSB College of Creative Studies

Physics | UCSB College of Creative Studies

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No, I did not know about this! Hes actually very creative too. Wow, good suggestion Thx!

Our HS also had a form that we signed to give consent for them to release ELC related data to the UCs. Our letter stated that our student was in the top 9% (or close to it) and that they were asking in advance, if the student ended up in the top 9%, if we would consent for the school to share their data.

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