Sac state vs. SFSU vs. Long Beach for Nursing

<p>I have been accepted to Sac State, San Francisco State, and Long Beach State as a Nursing Major. I was wondering how the programs are at these schools, how impacted the major is at each school, and college life at each school?</p>


<p>Have you been accepted to the Nursing school at each of these, having matriculated from Pre-Nurinsg, or are you a Pre-Nursing student?
Sac State is very commuter-heavy, though the Nursing program is a nice group. They’ve expanded into larger space the past two years. I believe SF STate and Long Beach have better reputations, though cost of living in both of these areas is higher than in Sac.</p>

<p>cecilturtle, I am a high school senior, so I would be going in as a pre-nursing student.</p>

<p>they’re all going to be extremely competitive, but I can tell you that Sacramento State is quite a different experience from SF State (I don’t know LB very well). The program is solid, and places many in with Kaiser, Sutter, Mercy in the area. The campus is comfortable and quiet, COL is reasonable, Nursing is set aside in a very easy to access location–all attributes allowing for less stress and more focus on getting super-excellent grades so that you may matriculate in. Faculty is excellent, compassionate, friendly and on their toes.</p>

<p>I went to SFSU, 30 years ago :slight_smile: So don’t know how it is now. But, what is nice about going to Nursing school in SF is that your do your practicums at various hospitals in SF. Many are teaching hospitals so the energy and the learning is high.</p>