I am a transfer student from San Diego who has been admitted to Sac State for Fall 2016. If you are in the same boat as me and are either committed or unsure if you’re attending or not, we should talk it out on this thread! If I do end up going I want to get some advice and see what everyone else is going through in regards to this process. Best of luck 
I am not a student but, what are your other options and makes you tentative about Sac State?
@NCalRent well I am still waiting to hear back from CSUN, which is my preference. My other options are ASU, NAU, Humboldt and Chico which don’t really interest me. What makes me tentative is I don’t really know much about the school and surrounding area, but from what it looks like it seems to be pretty nice.
I guess it depends what you are looking for.
I would really recommend a tour of the campuses that have caught your interest. Sac is a pretty big school but, the campus doesn’t have a cohesive feel to me.Lots of students live in the area but, All that parking leaves no doubt it is a commuter school, not unlike Northridge. Chico and HSU have more of a residential feel. The American River adjacent campus and the bike trail adjacent Sac are cool. The state capital is a tremendous resource if you are studying Poly Sci and the new arena down town will be great.
I gather you are from CA, making the AZ schools tough to justify financially.
I’d add one more thing about Sac State - they have the lowest 4 and 6 year graduation rates of all 23 CSUs. They are taking steps to change that, including declaring the campus impacted, adding courses, etc. People make it through but, it will be a headwind while you are there.
Good luck.